Student Technology Support

Having Chromebook Troubles?

Before you submit a technology support request, try the following to troubleshoot your issue;

-- Ensure your Chromebook is fully charged --

Often, touchscreen and mouse-pad issues are due to insufficient battery!

-- Restart your Chromebook --

If you have kept your Chromebook on for an extended period of time, it may run sluggishly. A quick reboot can have it running like new again!

-- Check for updates --

In the lower right-hand corner of your screen, click the panel that contains your WiFi settings. This panel will have a notification at the top indicating the need to restart and install an update if an update is present and required.

** Do not save files to your Chromebook's internal storage! **

Chromebooks have a very limited amount of internal storage, and filling this storage up can cause a number of issues with how the device runs. Instead, save to your school Google Drive! It has unlimited storage, is fully integrated with the rest of the applications in the GSuite family (Docs, Sheets, Classroom, etc.), and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection.