Counselor Connection

Welcome to the Charlton County High School counselor website. I am Crystal Brooks and I am the school counselor at CCHS. As the school counselor, my hope is that all students have access to an adult that is able to listen in a time of need as well as someone that can help students and parents navigate making choices for life after high school. Students are encouraged to visit Student Services when needed and parents are welcome to set up an appointment time to meet as well. I would love to hear your thoughts on how we can improve my services to better meet the needs of the students at Charlton County High School. 

As the school counselor, I am available to assist you with a variety of services including: 

Registration and Scheduling 

Testing and Assessment

Counseling Services 

Information on SAT/ACT/Accuplacer


Scholarship Information

House Bill 91 



Scholarship applications are shared in the senior class Google Classroom. Please log into your Google Classroom to access scholarships shared with our graduating class!

HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarship information can be found right outside of Mrs. Brooks' office. Inclusive information regarding the HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarship can be found at: