9th/10th Grade Resources

Current 8th Grade Families: FAQ

Due to the sheer volume of requests for meetings or calls about rising 9th grade (current 8th grade students) questions, we are not able to provide one-on-one conferences in person or over the phone. Please reference this document. If you have a question that is not covered on this document or on the website, please email your question to one of the 9th grade counselors and your questions will be answered through email and added to this document.

Families have received course request forms and should fill them out and return them to the high school directly. Teachers will submit their recommendations directly to the WAHS school counseling team.

All students at WAHS are enrolled in 8 year long classes per year.

An alternate course is another elective course. In case something is full or does not fit into the schedule, we recommend students selecting two (3) alternate course choices.


The deadline to submit the course override forms is March 15th. When schedules come out in August, you can request a change in level at that time, however there is no guarantee that we can accommodate course request changes. 

Only students enrolled in a CP course on their schedule (ex: Spanish 1 CP) will earn high school credit upon successful completion. This will count as a credit toward graduation requirements. 

French, German, Spanish.

No, they are not. General PE courses include multiple sports. Weightlifting can be geared towards one specific sport but may contain student athletes from multiple sports.

Yes, students will receive college credit from the approved college that the student takes the course along with high school credit. Other colleges may accept credit for these courses as well. We recommend verifying with any college you are interested in attending to see which courses may transfer. These courses are only offered to Juniors and Seniors.

Students are able to take dual enrollment courses in a variety of subjects starting their junior year if they meet the requirements of Trident Technical College (TTC). This can be discussed at your 9th & 10th grade IGP. 

Students who wish to take courses at the West Ashley Center for Advanced Studies will request those courses with their WAHS counselor during their IGP meeting. There are a limited number of courses available to freshmen at the WACAS.

If your child has an IEP, you will primarily meet with the IEP team lead. Your child will still have an IGP meeting and get to choose elective courses with your counselor. If your child has a 504 plan, your counselor will reach out when the plan is due for review to set up a meeting. The IGP may also be scheduled before or after the 504 meeting.

If you have questions that you cannot find an answer to on the website, especially under the school counseling tab, please email one of the counselors for further assistance. Individual conferences are not an option at this time due to the sheer volume of requests and in order to prioritize our current students. 

Yes. On the WAHS website, under the school counseling tab, you can find the program of studies that goes into great detail about the courses we offer and the prerequisites for each course.

They are very similar, if you took Discovering Computer Science parts 1&2 in middle school, you should NOT request Fundamentals of Computing in high school. If you only took Discovering Computer Science part 1 then you can request Fundamentals of Computing. 

You will need to speak directly with your student’s current counselor at the middle school concerning which courses are available to middle school students over the summer. 

All students will get their schedules during registration in August.

Freshman will review how to read their schedules on the first day of school with their global leadership teachers, first thing in the morning.

Students and parents have the opportunity to attend A Taste of West Ashley in February of each year which is an open house that showcases all that WAHS has to offer. There are also opportunities to meet with Mr. Cumback and tour the school throughout the month of February. This information is sent to all 8th grade families zoned for WAHS in early February with directions on how to sign up.

This is the new schedule that WAHS will follow. More information will be shared by WAHS administration and rising 9th graders will learn more about it during 9th grade orientation.

Scholar’s Academy is a school choice option through CCSD, if you did not apply for the program during the school choice window, your child will not be considered for the program. Only rising 9th grade students zoned for West Ashley and Burke are eligible to apply.

The scholars academy program follows the school choice timeline. Please refer to the school choice website to learn more.