Ms. Sandy Leland

Pre-Medicine Academy

Room: K223

Classes Taught

Health Science 1-2

Pharmacology for Medical Careers

About Me

Degrees :

 English, Media Communications - UNC Chapel Hill

Nursing - Presbyterian School of Nursing 

Educational  Background: Registered Nurse - SC Board of Nursing, Certified Teacher - SC Dept 0f Education 

Hometown: Lumberton & Charlotte, NC 

Family: I have three children.  Ashley is an OTD graduate of MUSC (Occupational Therapy Doctorate), Elizabeth is a Physician Assistant graduate of MUSC and works in emergency medicine, and Robert is the owner and operator of Soft Wash Solutions in Mt. Pleasant.  I also have one granddaughter who is six, two wonderful sons in law, and one soon to be daughter in law. 

Outside Interests: I enjoy exploring historic cities and sites and oil painting when I have free time