Cario Chess Team

2019-20 Cario Chess Team

Organized by teacher Andrea Garver the Cario Chess team is coached by former Marshall Chess Club President, Stuart Chagrin (Google him! He's amazing!) If you are interested in joining our team, please sign up today! Beginners welcome!

We will meet most weeks starting 9/16/19 through 4/23/19*.

(We will not meet on school holidays, early dismissal days, or the week before or after Christmas; we end before testing begins, so dates subject to change)


1) Attend weekly meetings on Thursdays from 3:30 - 4:30 @ room 832, Mrs. Garver's classroom.

2) STRONGLY encouraged to attend state chess tournament in Columbia (usually 1st weekend in March)

3) MUST have a ride home or prearrangement to attend Kaleidoscope after chess club @ 4:25 on Thursdays.

4) Must submit payment to Cario Middle School for $150 for the year (~$6/week!). This includes coaching (Coach Stuart is paid weekly), weekly group lesson with an amazing coach, t-shirt, membership, and lots of great friendships!

NOTE: Please email if your child would like to attend one meeting (at no charge) before committing to the full year.