Welcome to Canvas!

Canvas is the supported Learning Management System (LMS) for grades 3 - 12 in CCSD.

SeeSaw is the supported LMS for grades K-2 in CCSD.

If you are having trouble with Canvas or have a question about how to do something in Canvas, complete this form OR click on the HELP menu in the lower left side of Canvas to chat/speak with someone today and get your issue resolved. 

Self-Paced [Asynchronous] Canvas Courses

Learn at your own pace!  

This course will open for enrollment on 

August 7th, 2024

Canvas Grade Passback

This course will open for enrollment on 

August 7th, 2024

Setting Up Your PS Gradebook for Grades 3 - 12 

(With Optional Canvas Grade Passback)

Canvas First Steps

Learn Canvas Basics in under one hour:

Canvas Learning Labs

Canvas Commons

In this course you will learn:

How to Use Derivita for Benchmarks & SC Ready Checkpoints

How'd You Make Those Buttons

In this course you will learn: 

This course takes about 1 hour to complete, plus the time it takes you to create a button.

Canvas Academy: Level 1

Take a deeper dive into Canvas basics. Completing this course will give you the skills and knowledge you need to use Canvas with your students. In this course you will learn how to: 

Respondus Lockdown Browser in Canvas

Canvas Sub-Account Administrator

Canvas Training Services Portal

Access the Training Services Portal from your Canvas account

CCSD Recertification Credit can be awarded by submitting a copy of your Transcript/Certificate of Completion to Frontline