Want to learn more about Google for Education?

Resources for Remote Learning

HELMAN - Getting Started with Google Classroom

Google Classroom 1

HELMAN - Managing Your Grades with Google Classroom and Sheets

Google Classroom 2

HELMAN - Intermediate Google Classroom

Google Classroom 3

HELMAN - Get Started With Google Drive and Docs

Google Basics 1

HELMAN - Google Drive 101

Google Drive

HELMAN - Google Docs 101

Google Docs

HELMAN - GSuite: An Overview

GSuite: An Overview

HELMAN - Calendar

Intro to Google Calendar

HELMAN - Gmail


Copy of HELMAN - Google Forms with Classroom Integration

Get To Know Forms: An Intro


Extensions You Need!

Copy of Add to your Toolkit: Extensions You Need!


2019 Google Classroom - HELMAN

Beginner Google Classroom 2019

Getting Started with Drive and Classroom

Intro to Google Classroom and Drive

Advanced Google Classroom

Advanced Google Classroom

Slides for Creating

Interactive work with slides

All In One Site: Digital Portfolios

Digital Portolios with Google Sites

10 Pieces of Google Drive Goodness

10 Pieces of Google Drive Goodness

Google Photos

Google Photos

Copy of This Doctopus has the Cure for Grading!

Google Classroom and Doctopus

Beyond the Basics with CORE GOOGLE TOOLS: Docs, Slides and Forms

Beyond the Basics with Core Google Tools

Google Classroom - Let's Get Started

Google Classroom: Let's Get Started!

Creation of the Form

Creation of the Form

Docs Session

Getting Started with Google Docs

Language Arts and GSuite

The Writing Process with GSuite: Students and Teachers

The Writing Process with Gsuite

Copy of Blogger: Revisioning Student Work

Blogger: Revisioning Student Work

Blogging in the ELA Classroom

Blogging With Docs and Sites: When Blogger isn't an Option

20 Time Project

If You Build It...Make 20Time Happen in Your Classes

If You Build It

Inspired Minds: #20Time

Inspired Minds: #20Time

Online Applications

Flippity and Flipgrid

Flippity and Flipgrid

Snores to Scores: Apps That Will Engage

Snores to Scores


BeWellEDU: Teachers

BeWellEDU: Teachers

BeWellEDU: Mindful Wellness for Our Students

BeWellEDU: Students