Dr. Smith's Psychology Corner
A message from Dr. Smith-
Hi Everyone!
At Richmond we have been working on skills to support your Social-Emotional Health. During our time away from school it is important to keep up these skills.
This is definitely an Unexpected situation, so yes it is uncomfortable. We do not know the Hidden Rules. The Size of the Problem is Big, so many people are involved in trying to fix it. At this time the Expected Behavior is different. We need to be Flexible Thinkers and not be Rock Brain. We all need to work together so you can continue with your learning. Using our Zones of Regulation and tools will help you. You will all need to be Superflex!!
I am providing you with some resources to help you. While there are a number of activities, some maybe better suited for you than others. Please select activities based on what you need!
If you have specific questions, please feel free to reach out to me at lisa.smith@chariho.k12.ri.us
Breathe- we will get though this! I hope to see you see!!
Dr. Smith