Who Are Athletic Trainers?

Who are Athletic Trainers?

Athletic Trainers (ATs) are highly qualified healthcare professionals who collaborate with sports medicine physicians to provide medical care for athletes in many areas of clinical practice including prevention, immediate and emergency care, clinical evaluation and diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions.

How Can We Help the Student-Athletes of Chariho?

Sports medicine experts across the U.S. have noticed an alarming trend in “professional-level” injuries among young athletes. The number of youth injuries is reaching epidemic proportions and young athletes are experiencing overuse injuries at younger and younger ages.

Injuries impact young athletes in the short term but often lead to long-term consequences. Having proper preventive measures such as pre-participation physicals, stretching, cross-training, hydration, nutrition, and open communication about pain among all participants (coaches, athletes, parents, and healthcare providers) can help aid recovery and avoid long-term consequences. We make it a priority to address this injury trend through prevention as well as appropriate evidence-based treatment methods for their student athletes at all levels of care.

Our objective is to help the teen athlete mature into adulthood without the development of long-term sports ailments.