Evidence-Based Medicine & Journal Club Resources

Founded in the days of William Osler in the late 19th Century, journal club initially served as a way to share expensive texts and review new literature as a group. As medical research and statistical methods have become more elaborate and complex, journal club has evolved a new function: to build expertise in evaluating complex medical studies. Judging the validity of new research is now a cornerstone of journal club.

A key goal of the Cambridge Health Alliance Internal Medicine Program is for graduates to be able to find, appraise, and apply new evidence in order to provide state of the art care. To that end, the CHA IM Journal Club's mission is to enhance skills in evaluating research by discussing interesting and relevant new research articles.

Here you will find information on our journal club guidelines, the conference schedule, and an archive of prior articles discussed. Also, a link to CHA's Hospital Medicine EBM blog can be used to find new articles to discuss.

If you're wondering how to come up with a clinical research question during your time on the wards, look here.

Contact: Hugo Torres, MD, hatorres at challiance.org