Details about the application

In detail: from :  : Quels sont les candidats étrangers qui peuvent candidater via ?

Peut candidater sur la plateforme :

Ces deux derniers types de candidats devront régulariser leur situation auprès du consulat français de leur pays de résidence.

Par exemple, un candidat de nationalité non européenne qui réside en Allemagne pourra candidater sur la plateforme (si son diplôme le lui permet), mais devra vérifier que sa situation lui permet de poursuivre des études en France auprès d’un consulat français en Allemagne et, le cas échéant, faire une demande de visa pour études.

Also, some technical information is present there:
In case of contradiction between this site and the psaclay one, trust this one here. Except on dates or deadlines, where we may sometime lag a bit to update from year to year.
Do not send us emails to apply directly by email, we wouldn't reply.
Please make sure your attachments are correct when you submit your application.
As you've read, we receive hundreds of applications, processing them by email is not reasonable.

The exact dates are visible when you will create your application on Saclay's admission website: or 

Try to apply when you have as many grades from your current 1st semester, as much as possible. 

Where can I apply?
- If you are a student from one of the countries listed on [this page], you must first go through the Campus France process.
- then go [HERE]  for UPSaclay -- download instructions. Contact support.

The precise procedure depends on your country of origin and residence. Please contact campus France to know the details.

That should not keep you from applying to our master program in parallel.

List of documents to provide with the application:

- Curriculum Vitae (typically pdf, typically less than 2 pages)
- Letter of motivation/cover letter: see instructions-to-apply
- Certified transcripts of grades for all diplomas since high-school (NOT including high school).
- "Fiche de choix" (selection sheet): if you applied to several masters, indicate your order of preference (optional).
- Recommendation letters or internship evaluations.
- A completed questionnaire of auto-evaluation: (optional in M1, only needed for M2)
-> since we made this optional too late, you'll have to upload something. You can simply attach a 1 page blank pdf there.
- English level certificate (at least B2).
- (optional) Dossier VAPP : used to ask for replacing diplomas by professional experience. If you do not know what this is, it means you don't need it.

Where is the "Selection Sheet" ("Fiche de choix"), and what is this good for?

It is optional. Simply attach a PDF file with title: "Selection Sheet" including the master programs to which you applied, IN ORDER of PREFERENCE, and numbered

(1) 1st choice (preferred)

(2) 2nd choice

(3) etc.

Can I apply to multiple masters or "parcours" (master tracks, in particular Data Science)?

Yes. Then you may tell us the order in the "Fiche de Choix" (optional).

Can I apply both to M1 and M2?

Yes, but you should know which one you prefer, and it may look a bit weird. Explain yourself in your cover letter(s).

Do I need to apply to both M1 and M2 if I want to be considered for both?

Yes + see above.

Should the application be in French or in English?

Either way.

Are there English language level requirements?

Yes. Proof of English level B2 or equivalent. If your diploma has been taught in English, or if you are from an English-speaking country, then attach a PDF with justifications or explanations. 

We accept any official certificate, as TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English Qualifications, PTE, TOEIC, or CLES.

Are there French level requirements?

No. There are some OPTIONAL classes that can be taken in French, but it is possible to get the degree by taking only classes taught in English.

Do I need to submit my high-school grade transcript?

No, please don't.

I submitted my candidature but forgot something, how can I add it?

You cannot, sorry. You must destroy your first candidature and create a new one! (use a new email address).

I destroyed my application accidentally, can you revert this or accept my files by email?

No. You need to create a new account and re-enter everything on the platform by hand.

Due to special circumstances (e.g. COVID-19 epidemic) I had to telecommute for my internship, should I mention it?

You can add internships performed while telecommuting in your work experience, as well as other work experiences performed during the confinement, as long as you could perform your duties.

What are the conditions to attend the M2 level if I am a third-year student of an engineering school (double cursus)?

Contact us for details, this is different every year.

Do I need to include a "Dossier VAPP"?

Not necessarily. Only if you cannot justify of the right academic profile and you want other personal or professional experiences to be taken into account. See VAPP instructions. This Dossier VAPP can be useful at the M1 or M1 entry level, if you interrupted your studies more than 2 years, and want to capitalize on personal or professional experience to compensate for missing academic credentials.  

As a foreign student, I cannot see my diplomas in the list, what should I select?

- Baccalauréat ou équivalent:

    * Equivalence BAC diplôme ou titre étranger.

    * Equivalence BAC

- Cursus précédent:

    * Bachelor of Science

I am a foreign student, do I need to complete the Campus France Procedure (CEP) and when?

Yes, if you come from one of the following countries:

Algérie, Argentine, Bénin, Brésil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Chili, Chine, Colombie, Comores, Congo, Corée du Sud, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypte, Etats-Unis, Gabon, Guinée, Haïti, Inde, Indonésie, Iran, Japon, Koweit, Liban, Madagascar, Mali, Maroc, Maurice, Mauritanie, Mexique, Nigeria, Pérou, République démocratique du Congo, Russie, Sénégal, Singapour, Taïwan, Tchad, Togo, Tunisie, Turquie, Vietnam.

See the full updated country list.

As soon as you are admitted, you must go through the procedure, if you are not already studying in France and need a VISA. These FAQ should help you.