Université Paris-Saclay Artificial Intelligence Informatics Master

Coordinator of the AI master program:  (temporarily) ai.master-informatique@universite-paris-saclay.fr (temporarily)
2024-25: Headmaster of M1 AI: Nona Naderi (nona.naderi@lisn.fr)
2024-25: Headmaster of M2 AI: Kim Gerdes (kim.gerdes@lisn.fr)
In partnreship with François Landes (admissions), Marc Evrard (internship coordination)

Alexandre Verrechia (pedagogical secretary)
& Aurélie Lerasle direction des études

Application dates for 2024

Applications are now closed.
We received 1400 files for M1 (20-30 slots) and 400 for M2 (10 slots): don't bother emailing us about your particular case.

The AI master

The Paris-Saclay AI track of the Computer Science Master was founded in 2019 by Isabelle Guyon.
It is a very selective 2-year master program with 500-1500 applicants at the first year entry level for ~25 slots.  It inherited from a previous 1-year master2 program ran by Alexandre Allauzen. It includes a rigorous program with foundational courses and more advanced growth classes in machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing. It is taught by  17 professors, including 14 Université Paris-Saclay faculty and 3 external experts. 

The AI master is a "parcours" (track)  of the Université Paris-Saclay Computer Science (Informatique) master. It delivers a master diploma in computer science in 2 years, recruiting at the BAC+3 level (license or bachelor). The classes are taught in English and include:

It provides a balance between theoretical and practical instruction.



Please note that starting from 2023, we are no longer offering the AI - EIT Digital track.