Conference Sessions

OCTOBER 11th, 2019 8.45 am-5pm

PARIS-DAUPHINE University - 16 Boulevard Lannes 75016 Paris -


Transition to a low-carbon economy

8.45 am - 9 am – Welcome address: Anna Creti (Paris-Dauphine University, CEC)

Session 1: 9.00 am- 10.30 am

Short-term actions

Chaired by Jonathan Wiener University of Duke

  • Anouk Faure CEC-Nanterre : Barriers to trading in the EU ETS, a theoretical and empirical appraisal
  • Raphaël Olivier CEC-Paris-Dauphine : The performativity of corporate carbon pricing

Mid-term actions

Chaired by Andreas Löschel University of Munster

  • Camille Tevenart CEC-INRA : Role of farmers' risk and ambiguity preferences on fertilization decisions: an experiment
  • Côme Billard, CEC-Paris-Dauphine : How environmental policies spread ? A network approach to diffusion in the U.S

10.30am – 11am Coffee break

Session 2: 11 am- 12.30 pm

Long-term actions

Chaired by Maureen Cropper Maryland University

  • Valentin Lignau CEC- Paris-Nanterre : Patent opposition and firms’ strategic behavior: evidences from the wind power industry
  • Etienne Lorang CEC-INRA : Recycling under environmental, climate and resource constraints

Summary and Perspectives of Works in Progress

Edouard Civel CEC-Nanterre

Discussion with the audience

12.30 pm- 1.30 pm Lunch break

Session 3: 1.30 pm- 3 pm

Round Table

Christian Gollier Director of the Toulouse School of Economics - TSE

"A model on the Social Cost of Carbon"

Discussants :

Patrick Criqui Emeritus Research Director, University of Grenoble-Alpes

Alain Quinet Deputy Managing Director of SNCF Réseau

3 pm – 3.30 pm Coffee break

Session 4*: 3.30 pm- 5.00 pm

Intervention : Brune Poirson Secretary of State for Ecological and Solidarity Transition

Followed by a round table with industry representatives on the topic "Integrating long-term issues into short-term decisions"

Chaired by Christian de Perthuis (CEC)

Bruno Bensasson President-CEO, EDF Renouvelables

Pascal Chalvon Sustainable Development Director, Solvay

Patrick Jolivet Chief Economist, ADEME

Myriam Maestroni President, Economie d'Energie

Xavier Pinon, Co-founder and Director, Selectra

*This session will be held in French.

5.00 pm

Conclusion of the Conference by Isabelle Huault, Chairwoman of Paris-Dauphine University

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