
Climate Economics Chair Annual Conference

Université Paris - Dauphine – Room Raymond Aron (2nd floor)

Wednesday, October 11th 2017

8.30 am - 9 am – Welcome Coffee and registration

9 am - 9.10 am – Welcome address: by Anna Creti (Université Paris-Dauphine/CEC)

Morning Sessions

Presentations by CEC researchers

9.10 am - 9.20 am – Foreword: Lawrence Goulder, Stanford University, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Chair

9.20 am - 11 am – Presentations: Energy and Environmental transition

Cross subsidies across network users: renewables self consumption, by Cédric Clastres (Université Grenoble) joint with Boris Solier (Université Montpellier/CEC) and Olivier Rebenaque (Université Grenoble/CEC)

Discussant: Dominique Bureau (Ministère de la Transition Ecologique et Solidaire)

Measuring the quality of innovation in low-carbon technologies, by Clément Bonnet (Université Paris-Nanterre)

Discussant: Frank Convery (Environmental Defense Fund)

Optimal feed-in-tariffs for small photovoltaics in France, by Anna Creti (Université Paris-Dauphine/CEC) and Maria Eugenia Sanin (Université d’Evry)

Discussant: Stéphanie Monjon (Université Paris-Dauphine)

11 am - 11.30 am Coffee break

Debate on two new books by members of the Chair

Chaired by Patrice Geoffron (PSL Université Paris Dauphine)

11.30 am - 12.15 pm - Jacques Percebois and Jean-Pierre Hansen : Transition(s) électrique(s), Odile Jacob, 2017

« Ce que l'Europe et les marchés n’ont pas su vous dire », book summary presented by the authors

Discussant : Claude Crampes (Toulouse School of Economics)

12.15 pm - 1 pm - Marc Baudry and Béatrice Dumont : L’économie des brevets

« Les brevets, un frein ou un accélérateur de l’innovation verte? », book summary presented by the authors

Discussant : Matthieu Glachant (Ecole des Mines ParisTech)

1 pm - 2.30 pm Lunch break

Afternoon Sessions

US and European energy and climate strategies in the new international context

2.30 pm - 2.40 pm – Foreword: Anna Creti, Climate Economics Chair and Université Paris-Dauphine

2.40 pm - 4 pm – Roundtable: Energy and climate policies in the US

Chaired by Maureen Cropper, University of Maryland

Jonathan Wiener (Duke University): Climate Policy in the new US administration

Meredith Fowlie (Berkeley University): Which energy and climate goals can be achieved at the States level? Lessons from Californian experience

Lawrence Goulder (Stanford University): The case for a US National carbon tax

Discussion with the audience

4 pm - 4.30 pm Coffee break

4.30 pm - 6 pm –Roundtable: which economic and financial instruments for the low carbon transition?

Chaired by Christian de Perthuis, Climate Economics Chair and Paris Dauphine University

Jean-Pierre Clamadieu (CEO, Solvay)

Anne Hidalgo (Mayor of Paris)

Isabelle Kocher (CEO, Engie)

Jean-Luc Petithuguenin (CEO, Paprec)

Audrey Pulvar (President of the Foundation for the Nature and Humanity)

Discussion with the audience

Conclusion of the Conference by Isabelle Huault, Chairwoman of the Université Paris-Dauphine