Conference Sessions

OCTOBER 4th, 2018 9am-7.30pm

PARIS-DAUPHINE University - Place Maréchal Lattre de Tassigny 75775 Paris - ROOM RAYMOND ARON


8.30 am - 9 am Welcome Coffee and registration

9 am- 9.15am Welcome address: Anna Creti (Université Paris-Dauphine, CEC)

Session 1:

9.15 am- 10.30 am

Impacts of climate change

Chaired by Philippe Delacote (Inra, CEC)

  • Étienne Billette de Villemeur, Université de Lille, Justin Leroux, HEC Montréal, Bénédique Paul, Université Notre-Dame d'Haïti

On the Value of Rainfalls to Urban Households in Developing Countries

  • Guillaume Pierre, Marco Letta, Pierluigi Montalbano- Sapienza University of Rome

Weather shocks, food prices and traders’ anticipations

  • Ewen Gallic, Université de Rennes I, Gauthier Vermandel, PSL, Université Paris-Dauphine et France Stratégie

Weather Shocks, Climate Change and Business Cycles

  • Eswaran Somanathan, Economics and Planning Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi

The Impact of Temperature on Productivity and Labor Supply: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing

10.30am – 11am Coffee break

Session 2:

11 am- 12.30 pm

Carbon policy

Chaired by Marc Baudry (Université Paris Nanterre, CEC)

  • Jean-Philippe Nicolai, ETH Zurich

North-South diffusion of climate-mitigation technologies: The crowding-out effect on relocation

  • Zengkai Zhang, ZhongXiang Zhang- Tianjin University

Allocating carbon responsibility: the role of spatial production fragmentation

  • J. Scott Holladay, Mohammed Mohsin, Shreekar Pradhan- King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center

Environmental Policy Instrument Choice and International Trade

12.30 pm- 2 pm Lunch break

Session 3:



Chaired by Jean-Pierre Ponssard (CNR, Chaire Energie et Prospérité)

  • Victor Court, PSL Research University, Emmanuel Bovari, Université Paris 1

Energy, Knowledge and Demo-economic development in the long run: a unified growth model

  • Ahmed Tritah, Le Mans Université, Chaire Energie et Prospérité, Emile Tenezakis, Chaire Energie et Prospérité

Power to empower: the impact of electricity on women and children in Africa

  • Michael Grimm, Luciane Lenz, Jörg Peters, Maximiliane Sievert- RWI

Demand for off grid solar energy

  • Marzio Galeotti, University of Milan, IEFE-Bocconi and KAPSARC, Nicholas Howarth KAPSARC, Alessandro Lanza, LUISS University, IEFE-Bocconi and KAPSARC

Energy Productivity in the GCC Countries: Evidence from an International Kuznets Curve Analysis

Conclusion : Richard Tol, University of Sussex, A social cost of carbon for (almost) every country

4 pm – 4.30 pm Coffee break

Session 4:

4.30 pm-5.30 pm

Energy in Emerging Countries: the way forward

Chaired by Anna Creti (Université Paris-Dauphine, CEC)

Maureen L. Cropper, University of Maryland

Ying Fan, Beihang University

Larry Goulder, Stanford University

Andreas Löschel, University of Munster

Thomas Sterner, Gothenburg University

Session 5*

6 pm-7 pm

Energie, Climat, Développement: Retour d'expériences

Chaired by Christian de Perthuis, (Université Paris-Dauphine, CEC)

Christèle Adedjoumon, Rural electrification Project Manager pour l'Association Béninoise pour l'Eveil et le Développement (ABED ONG)

Cécile Duflot, Directrice Générale d’Oxfam France

Bruno Léchevin, Vice-Président Electriciens Sans Frontières


*This session will be held in French.

7.30 pm Cocktail

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