Reading & Family Time Photos

Send photos of you and your family reading or playing together.

A future Kindergartner enjoying our rocking horse!

John's big sister is reading to him!

Ethan enjoying the first chapters!

Jacqueline is learning about so many toys!

"Henry, does it say anything about dog toys?"

Maura can't wait to learn about more toys!

Henry and Ollie spend time reading together!

Owen is inspired by Toys!

Jack and his mom had an intense 2 day game of Monopoly. Who won?

Who is enjoying reading time more Kate or her dog?

Abe wishes that he could read the whole book at once!

Lyric can't put her book down!

The Silly Putty chapter is having an effect on Julia!

Charlotte and William played Monopoly during Family Night!

Henry is all smiles as he learns about toys!

Avery shares her love of reading with her brother and sister!

Cayden and Ryder play games while reading! Wow!

Kara can't wait to learn about toy soldiers!

Caroline and her mom are loving this chapter!

Amelia and Dempsey playing Otrio.... it’s like super complex tic tac toe!

Emily and her dad spending time together with a good book!

Will and his mom reading all about toys.

Splash gets to hear another chapter but now, it is Lauren reading to him. Can you find Splash in the photos above?

Mallory tells her reading buddy all about toys.

Luca loves OSOB!

Ben made his own fort for reading!

Oliver is deep into this chapter!

Reece has enjoyed OSOB.

Sienna and her dad learned about many toys.

Helena played Candyland!

Abe and Helena made up a game while waiting for the bus.

Gigi can’t put the book down. She’s been anxious to read interesting facts about some of her favorite toys.

We gathered as many toys as we could find in our house that were in the book and the piggy bank we researched for our fact. Final night of reading Toys was a lot of fun!