
Parent/Caregiver Resources

We encourage parents to talk with, reassure and support their children about health issues and changes to their daily routines, as well as the importance of social distancing and wearing masks.

Children should be allowed to ask questions, and parents should answer them to the best of their ability. Find guidance here.

Parents can explain the reasons for wearing a mask and have children practice wearing their masks.

We encourage you to follow recommended guidelines regarding masks and social distancing this summer to help prevent a future surge in cases that might impact the start of school.

Help students get back into a normal schedule at least a week before school begins, such as reinstituting bedtime and wake up routines.

Please stay in close communication with your school should your health situation or return plans change.

Parent Tips and Strategies

DISCUSS the virus: Kids become more fearful when adults don’t address the obvious issues; parents learn facts and then share with kids in small doses – focus on honest facts that keep them safe.

DON’T ASK KIDS TOO MANY QUESTIONS, allow them to ask what they want to know. Listen and be reassuring.

BE MINDFUL OF YOUR SPEECH – your spoken concerns can become your child’s worries.

CREATE A NEW ROUTINE while school is out – discuss this new routine with your kids.

Read this comic strip (grades 5-12) explaining the virus with them.

Talking with children about COVID-19

Talking to kids about Coronavirus

Talking with kids and teens

Talking with kids PBS

BrainPOP grades 3-8


Parent caregiver guide to helping families cope

Taking care of your family during Coronavirus

Behavioral health resources

Creating daily family schedule

Summer Feeding Flyer

Emotional Support Helpline

NJ Mental Health Cares Helpline

COVID-19 What To Say

Supporting Children And Teens When Someone Is Dying

Grief During COVID-19

NJ State Police COVID-19 Resource Guide

Child Care Resources And Referral Agency For Essex County

Covid-19 Information Hub

Talking To Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource