Clubs and Activities

CGHS Clubs and Activities

Business Honor Society

The National Business Honor Society promotes and recognizes the dynamic academic achievement in business education at the secondary level. To be eligible as a member, students must be a Junior or Senior and have completed or are currently enrolled in their fifth-semester business course. Additionally, those students are required to have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in their business courses and 3.8 overall.

Italian National Honor Society

Società Onoraria Italica – Leonardo da Vinci

The Italian National Honor Society is for students dedicated to academic excellence and achievements in Italian language and culture.  Members are students who excel overall and in their study of the Italian Language as well as the culture and history of this great civilization.  They are honorable young men and women of strong character and leadership ability as well as altruistic in their service to others. Members participate in at least one community service project.  Tutoring services are made available to students.  Monthly meetings are held and members are encouraged to bring new ideas that promote Italian Studies and to increase their own abilities in speaking Italian.   Requirements:  Overall GPA 3.8; after five semesters and a minimum of an A-in Italian. Study of the Italian language for three consecutive years (two of the three in honors-level classes) 

Mu Alpha Theta (Mathematics National Honor Society)

Mu Alpha Theta is for students who maintain a minimum overall GPA of 3.85 after 5 semesters, are currently in an honors math class, plan to take honors or AP math as a senior, and have achieved an average of 90 or higher in all math classes, at least two of which are honors. Nominations are made by the advisor.  Members are generally students who are interested in math and its purpose in our society.  MAT is designed to spread the appreciation for mathematics and to educate fellow students on its importance and implications.  Members must be active to receive their honor cords at graduation.  Activities include but are not limited to tutoring, collaborating with the middle school, and participating in math competitions.

National Honor Society

School counselors submit the names of juniors who have attained a GPA of 3.8 after five semesters or seniors who have attained a GPA of 3.8 after six semesters. A committee of staff members evaluates nominees in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. An exemplary demonstration of each of the four pillars is required to receive an invitation to this organization. An induction ceremony is held in the spring for junior inductees and in the fall for senior inductees. Participation in the peer tutoring program is required. Other programs vary based on the group’s talents and interests throughout the year.

Science National Honor Society

The CGHS Chapter of the Science National Honor Society strives to adhere to and enhance the nationally defined objectives of the SNHS. With membership determined by academic qualification, this organization exists to encourage and recognize scientific and intellectual thought, advance students’ knowledge of classical and modern science, communicate with the scientific community, aid the civic community with its comprehension of science, and encourage participation in community service and a dedication to the pursuit of scientific knowledge that benefits all of mankind. Requirements: Overall GPA of 3.8, minimum 90 average in honors or AP level science courses, must have taken at least 2 honors or AP level courses during grades 9-11, must take an honors or AP level course senior year to maintain membership.

Spanish Honor Society 

Sociedad Honoraria Hispànica – SHH

The purpose of the SHH is to nationally recognize high school achievement in Spanish and to promote continuity of interest in Hispanic Studies.  The Guidance counselors submit the names of juniors who have attained an overall GPA of 3.8 after five semesters and have maintained a minimum of 90% in Spanish in all five semesters.  The nominees are evaluated by the advisor.  An induction ceremony is held in the spring. Our students participate in at least one community service project and offer tutoring services.

Tri-M Music Honor Society 

The purpose of this organization is to inspire music participation, create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service and promote leadership in the music students of secondary schools. Students must be enrolled in a school-sponsored music ensemble and/or class for at least two semesters.  Students must achieve at least a 3.0 average in music courses as well as in other academic subjects.  Students must demonstrate leadership, service, and character in all activities, especially in music-related activities.



Our club program is designed to make available as many different types of clubs and activities as possible to meet the interests of the student body.  The plans, activities, and functions of each club are decided upon and carried out by the members and their elected officers, with the help of an advisor.  The success of each activity depends upon the loyalty and work of the members and the capabilities of the officers. 

Philosophy and Goals…

The student activity program at Cedar Grove seeks to:

Responsibilities of Student Leaders…

Students are elected or are chosen by the advisor to be in key leadership positions partially to serve as role models for the entire student body.  They are expected to conduct themselves in such a way as to be in good standing both academically and in terms of school policies.

3D Printing Club

Students in the 3D Printing Club will learn how to use open-source computer-aided design software in conjunction with our 3D printers to create original objects. Students in the club will participate in community outreach events and fundraisers designed to encourage the use of this emerging technology. Students of all skill levels are encouraged to come to our bi-monthly meetings to share ideas, collaborate on designs, and apply their skills to make their imaginations a reality.

All School Council

The student government organization at Cedar Grove High School seeks to achieve the following objectives:

The student body elects the officers in June.  Additionally, students at each grade level have the opportunity to become part of steering committees designed to work collaboratively with the All School Council to plan activities and organize events.

Art Club 

The CGHS Art Club is open to all students who enjoy creating works of art in a social atmosphere. The Art Club has participated in community and school art shows, regional competitions, school mural painting, and community outreach projects. We welcome all who are interested!

Art Crew

The art crew designs, paints, and creates sets for the annual fall drama and spring musical.  Art crew students help make the stage come alive with extra details, color, and different perspectives for all of the school stage performances.  The art crew meets after school during the rehearsal time period of the shows.

Asian Fusion Club

The Asian Fusion Club was generated by student interest in Asian heritage and culture. Students are interested in finding out about the different Asian heritages and cultures as well as sharing this information with non-Asian students. One of the founding goals of the club is to educate non-Asians in the different Asian heritages and cultures. Students of all heritages are welcome to join the Asian Fusion Club. While Americans have their own perception of Asian heritage and culture, members look to learn about the different Asian heritage and cultures. Topics of discussion include presentations on the different Asian holidays and lifestyles. Meetings are held bi-monthly, and all interested members are welcome to participate in the discussions that are held during the meetings, as well as plan and participate in the field trips that are designed to enhance the Asian culture experience.

Bocce Club 

Also known as the Bocce-Scopa Club. The Bocce Club is open to all students who would like to learn about and enjoy Italian culture through the playing of both Bocce Ball and Scopa.  Bocce Ball dates back to Roman times and is one of the most popular sports in Italy. Bocce is played outside, teams are made up and friendly competition and enjoyment takes place once per month.  Scopa is a popular Italian card game that is played indoors during the winter months when there is inclement weather and outdoor Bocce is not possible.  Students are taught how to play both games for their recreational enjoyment as well as the promotion of a different aspect of Italian Culture.  

CGHS Robotics Team 

Students on the CGHS Robotics Team will design, build, and program custom robotics capable of competing in interscholastic robotics competitions. The CGHS Robotics Team has both fall and spring seasons. Meetings are held daily during lunch in the STEM lab and previous experience is not required. 

Chess Club

Students in the Chess Club meet regularly to either enhance or learn the art of chess. The Chess Club provides an environment where our students can learn a new game and/or perfect their skills in this timeless game that stresses strategic planning.  Current literature suggests a high correlation between chess playing and performance on standardized tests.  Our committee recruits new members and organizes competitions.    

Drama (Fall/Winter)

The Fall Drama provides students the opportunity to be involved in all phases of a theatrical production.  In addition to the chance to perform, there are also positions on the stage crew, tech crew, art crew, publicity department, production crew, and hospitality.  Cast and crew members work as a team to create an entertaining production.  Plays range from year to year and include classics, comedies, dramas, and one-acts.  Auditions are held at the end of September and performances occur in mid-November.

Esports Club

The Esports Club is a competitive video gaming club that will have students team up to compete against other high schools, teams, and leagues. Students will compete in various games throughout three seasonal championship schedules. Practices will take place during lunch, and competitions will be after school. If you love playing video games, you'll enjoy being part of this club.

Film Club

The goal of the Film Club is to create original films, which will include all aspects of filmmaking, such as screenwriting, storyboarding, location scouting, acting, directing, filming, and post-production. The club holds, “short-form”, in-school festivals that focus on the different aspects mentioned above, as well as popular filmmaking techniques. Each year the club partners with the Garden State Film Festival to showcase the student films, as well as professional films entered into the festival. 


The Gender Sexuality Alliance brings together gay youth and straight allies to fight homophobia on campus and in the community through the pursuit of knowledge, by educating the community about different sexual and gender identities, linking homophobia with other oppressions, and coming together as a single unit to form a wall against intolerance. The GSA brings students together to meet new people, hang out, and grasp different points of view. Through our activities, we aim to reduce any feelings of isolation and depression that students may experience, whatever their sexual orientation or gender identity may be. We welcome all students to participate in our events, and to come talk about any issues concerning bullying or harassment due to prejudice and discrimination. Members can also air personal issues in an atmosphere of confidentiality. We are here to support one another, share resources, learn together, and have fun! Come join us!”

Interact Club

The Interact Club is a co-curricular activity open to all Cedar Grove High School students.  The purpose of the club is for students to organize projects that reach out and provide some beneficial service to needy groups of persons in our community or around the world.  The Interact Club has the Cedar Grove chapter of Rotary International as its local affiliate that not only shares ideas for projects but also lends support for the club activities.  

Irish Club

The Irish Club was generated by student interest in Irish heritage and culture.  While Americans have their own perception of Irish heritage and culture, members look to find out how the Irish truly operate in Ireland.  Topics of discussion include the difference in how St. Patrick's Day is celebrated, the Gaelic language, fighting between Northern Ireland and Ireland, as well as historical aspects of the Green Isle.  The Irish Club meets bimonthly, and all interested members are welcome to participate in the discussions that are held during meetings, play in the annual Italian-Irish soccer game, and plan and coordinate the St. Patrick's Day celebration held in the school's cafeteria.  

Italian Club

The Italian Club of Cedar Grove High School is open for membership to all students who have an interest in the Italian culture and language. This club provides social and cultural activities aimed at promoting an awareness of the rich historical, cultural, artistic, and lingual heritage of Italy.  Specifically, it aims at exposing the entire Cedar Grove community to a variety of socio-cultural activities, such as film viewings, dinner dances, guest lectures, field trips, and bake sales.

Key Club

Key Club is an international student-led organization, in partnership with the local Kiwanis Club. It provides its members to make a positive impact with opportunities to provide service, build character, and develop leadership.

Literary Magazine

Students are encouraged to submit written and/or artwork for publication in the Literary Magazine.  A staff composed of students who select, type, and edit the pieces as well as select the artwork to accompany the literary work.

Math League 

The Cedar Grove Math League provides an environment for students who are excited about Math to explore this important field in depth. During meetings, students are presented with the opportunity to tackle various mathematical challenges in a fun, relaxed atmosphere while simultaneously cultivating their analytical, collaborative, and problem-solving skills. During team meetings, students also have the opportunity to compete at the local, state, and national levels through their participation in various math league competitions. Any student is welcome to join the Cedar Grove Math League at any time regardless of grade or math level.

Mock Trial 

Mock Trial is a team trials advocacy competition in which students assume the roles of attorneys and witnesses and engage in trial simulation competitions with teams from other schools.  Students develop critical thinking and public speaking skills, as well as knowledge of legal practices and procedures. The American Mock Trial Association sponsors regional and national-level competitions, as well as providing interesting and complex case materials for academic use. Also, a local member of the Bar Association comes to the meetings to help prepare the students for their roles as attorneys and witnesses. All high school students are welcome to attend. This club schedule is flexible in order to meet the student's school needs. 

Peer Leadership

Peer leaders are an elite group of students that work with the freshman class in a ratio of 5-8 students to one mentor.  The peer leaders present monthly to the freshmen in their English/Math labs and are scheduled during their free time (study halls) to support freshmen Fridays in the media center. They fundraise for a philanthropy of their choosing and work to strengthen their own leadership skills during our meetings which consist of…. 

Pep Band

The Cedar Grove High School Pep Band is an informal performance ensemble that plays at all home Varsity football games. We use marching percussion instruments and perform pop tunes to "pep" up and entertain the crowd.

Pep Club (The Black Hole)

Students in the Pep Club plan and prepare for their supporting role at football games and various other events.  Spirit wear and songs are coordinated to enhance the student cheering section which represents CGHS in a positive and enthusiastic manner.  

The Pride 

Students write articles on various topics, including sports, politics, or current events, as well as interview other students and teachers. The paper is geared towards informing the student body about topics pertaining to CGHS and the CG community. Participation varies from those who want to write one article of interest to the student who is interested in a career in journalism. No prior experience of writing articles is required! 

Progressions Peers

The Progressions Peers Club works towards fostering positive relationships between the 18-21 young adults and the CGHS students.  We work towards creating opportunities for peers to actively engage in activities. This includes running a small business, cooking, recreational activities, and participating in the modeling of appropriate social interactions. 

Psychology Club

The Psychology club is for students who want to learn and connect with other students interested in the field. Our meetings center around topics of interest from our members as well as themed monthly mental health awareness.  We research, debate, meditate, listen, and learn from each other.

Red Cross Club

In the Red Cross Club students will work closely with the Red Cross chapter, engaging in projects that address some of our countries and world’s greatest needs including preparing our community for disasters and hosting lifesaving blood drives. Students will create, plan, and participate in service projects that will help our school and community and make an impact around the globe.

Robotics Club

Students in the Robotics Club will work collaboratively to create innovative solutions to everyday problems through the use of technology. Utilizing a variety of computer languages, students of all skill levels will learn how to program microcontrollers in order to bring their creations to life. Students are encouraged to bring their project ideas to our bi-monthly meetings. 

Spanish Club

The Spanish Club of Cedar Grove High School is open to all students who have an interest in learning about the culture and language of Spanish.  The club provides social and cultural activities to promote an awareness of the rich historical, cultural, artistic, and lingual heritage of Spanish-speaking countries.  Its main purpose is to immerse students into the Spanish culture by means of a variety of activities such as film viewing, food, music, dances, arts & crafts, field trips, and lectures.  The club members meet once a month; more when there are pending business to discuss.  The advisor and the officers help the club meetings run smoothly by advising the members on events and activities.  


Spring Musical

The annual spring musical is for all students interested in performing, singing, dancing, and acting in a school-wide performance.  Students attend an audition workshop a week before auditions to become familiar with the musical that has been chosen as well as to learn about audition requirements.  Rehearsals are held Monday through Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings from January to March.  Students warm up as a group, rehearse for the vocals, learn choreography, study various acting techniques for their scenes, and prepare for three performances in March.

Stage Crew

The stage crew consists of two components: the building crew and the stage crew that moves the sets during the performances.  The building crew designs and builds the sets out of wood, recycled materials, Styrofoam, casters, platforms, and much more.  The moving crew then attends rehearsals and prepares for the moving cues throughout performances.  

Science Club

The mission of the Science Club is to open up the world of science and understand how it can be applied to everyday life, creating, developing, and enjoying new ways to learn science.  Current events in the field of science are discussed, and the club is open to all students.  Meetings are held once a month.  

Tech Crew

The tech crew consists of students who are interested in the special effects, sound, and lighting aspects of stage performances.  Tech crew students are responsible for the light board, spotlights, microphones, special sound effects, and computer needs for the auditorium.  The tech crew prepares for performances by attending dress rehearsals and technical rehearsals.  They are given direction and cues from the directors and advisors.

Vox Populi
Vox Populi is a civics club at the high school dedicated to engaging the student body in the political process and bringing about a greater awareness of the problems and opportunities facing the United States. We want to give students the tools to become independent, as well as more informed and active citizens. We are dedicated to the cause of American democracy, delivering unbiased information, and helping students vote and get involved in their community.

Clubs & Activities 22-23