Recycled Art

Since we are talking about recycled art we need to learn about what recycling is first!! Watch this video to learn more about recycling.

Go on a Recycle Scavenger Hunt

  1. This scavenger hunt requires children to find recyclable items. Make a list of all the recyclable items that the players have to find. You can even assign a time limit for the task. 30 minutes would be more than enough.

  2. Alternatively, children can go through a pile of recyclable items and ask them to get one of each item. It won’t just educate them on the what can be recycled, but will also make them consider things that may not have actually been recyclable.

  3. The player who manages to get the most number of recycled items will win.

Looking through these pictures, what do you see? What items could you recycle to create a new piece of art or a new device to make it easier to do something else? Example: I'm always loosing my remote control for my tv, could I used a plastic bag, old shoe lace, potato bag ex. to create string to tie to it so that it stays in one place? I challenge you while at home to look around your house, in your trash, and outside to create your best masterpiece. When your masterpiece is done send me a picture so we can add it to our site and have other students guess what you used to make your masterpiece or invention.

Listen to this story, this story may give you some great ideas to create your masterpiece.

Check out this amazing story about one plastic bag and what she did with that bag to help her entire country. Could this be you?

Create your own recycled friendship bracelets. How many bracelets can you make? I challenge you to make at least 5 and pass them out to friends or family. What other ways do you think that you could reuse a plastic bag to create another new item? How many time can you reuse one plastic bag and for what reason? Share below in your exit ticket .

Ever wondered what to do with old egg cartons, turn them into fun animals!! Here are a few of my favorites. What animal will you make? First find a old egg carton, recycle your egg carton and make your animal. You can color, paint or use what ever you have to create a fun animal to play with.

Here is another fun idea to make while at home. Create your own versions of popular games using recycled items. Here is an example of a tic tac toe game. What other games can you make? Use common household or recycled items to create a new game!! After your game is made, play your game, challenge a family or friend to play.