Club Hub

What is the Club Hub?

This website has been made to provide one place where you can find all the information you need on the groups on offer at CGHS. We've collected information from the leaders of these groups, which can be found on our Club List, we've made a timetable of all the groups with regular meetings on the Timetable page, and we've also got a page with information on Colours, since we know it can sometimes be tricky to navigate Onstream. If you have a group that isn't on here, please go to our New Club Submission page and let us know about it so that we can add it on here!

It is managed by the IT Committee, and if you have any questions, comments, or feedback, we'd love it if you emailed We'll get back to you as soon as we can :)

Study Buddy

In case you don't know, there's one other CGHS website that's made for students that isn't Onstream, and it's called the CGHS Study Buddy! This website has a lot of really useful resources for studying, wellbeing, online learning, and IT. If you aren't familiar with it, we highly recommend that you check it out.