Summary: Jung Da-Jung is married to 37 year old man, Hong Dae-Young. When they were 18 they got pregnant and had to give up on their studies, now their own twins are 18. Hong Dae-Young looks at himself as an ordinary jobless middle-aged man. He regrets his life. At that moment, his body changes into that of an 18-year-old year old person, while his mind is still that of his 37-year-old self. Back in his teenage days, Hong Dae-Young was an excellent basketball player and also popular. Now, with his regained 18-year-old body, he changes his name to Ko Woo-Young and begins to live a new life.

Pg rate-13

Middle schoolers and up

- alcohol

- pregnancy

- Romance, Youth

- Family problems

- abuse


Released on December 21.20

16 episodes

92% liked this TV show