Question 1: What is a CTE (Career Technical Education) program?

Response: A CTE program is a program that provides students with the opportunity to explore different career options. It also provides students the opportunity to be part of a career path and graduate high school with certification and experience, which they can obtain a job after high school or continue to college.

Question 2: How will being in a CTE program help me in my future?

Response: Being in a CTE program is beneficial for your future because if you have a certificate you can get a job right after high school. Most CTE programs are within the high wage and high demand jobs.

Question 3: How do I get involved in a CTE program?

Response: If you are interested in hearing more about the programs, you can talk to your school counselor or Ms. Jackie Barbosa Chantre

Question 4: What kind of credits do I get for taking CTE classes? Do they count towards graduation?

Response: While being part of the CTE program all your classes will count towards graduation credit, but you can also obtain some college credits while in the program as well.