Pre-Calculus L &K

Welcome to Pre-calculus! We hope you are ready to return. I am looking forward to getting to know each of you this year. I ask for patience and kindness this year. The Pre-Calculus team has worked hard to get things set up in schoology. We know that you will certainly find the mistakes we have made. Please be kind and point them out and be patient when it takes us awhile to correct our mistakes.

In preparation for the new school year, 2020-2021, download Microsoft Teams on your phone.

Quote of the Month:

"Just because something doesn't do as you planned it doesn't mean it is useless" Thomas Edison

Microsoft Teams Codes

1st period: sjcz2o0

3rd period: xmmxx2j

4th period: wwjbrhd

5th period: x3q1v32

6th period: ctm3ww4

7th period: himlh1x