Writing Course Information

Writing Workshop for third grade can be a complicated, detailed and a time-consuming process for our young writers. This is the reason why I molded my workshop around demonstrating what I expect by first, writing parts of my own stories and having honest discussions about why I wrote something the way I did and decided to include or not include certain things. Then, I have students write on their own from my model while I commit to individual conferences.

Writing Workshop uses the Writing Process to develop a piece of writing. The steps of the writing process are as follows: Pick a topic to write about based on the prompt given, plan that prompt using a graphic organizer given, draft paragraphs from the planning, revise by rereading to see if it sounds right, check if the ideas need to be added or rearranged, if the writer added all the components taught throughout the year, editing where we check for capitalization, punctuation, subject-verb agreement and spelling errors and finally publishing our final piece.

So What Skills do I Expect your Child to Master this Year?

* Drafting a Personal Narrative or story using the Writing Process

*Drafting an Informational piece using the Writing Process

*Acquire STAAR Editing and Revising language

* Study Word parts through Word Study