Week of May 6-10

Counselor Connection


What is at least one thing Michael Jordan, Rosa Parks, Shakira, Lebron James, Dak Prescott, Nicki Minaj and countless other celebrities have in common? They all have failed, but never gave up.  They showed grit. 

Grit is part of our SHINES characteristics of strength and never give up attitude.  Grit is what helps you keep going, even when things are difficult, even when you might feel like giving up, even when you fail- grit is what keeps you going.  It's the voice inside you- telling you to keep going.  Grit allows you to get up again after stumbling.  

Learn more about the characteristics of grit and what they mean.

Morning Meeting Enhancement


What job would you like to try for a day?

Sheffield Character Trait

Week of May 6-10


It takes strength to grow as an individual.

There are different ways we grow. Not only is growth shown at the doctor's office every year you have a check up, but you can grow interpersonally as well. Growth can be shown by how much you've improved in certain situations or in areas you practice alot such as sports. Growth can also be noticed in school by your grades or how well you understand a concept. In order to grow, you have to have strength to overcome obstacles and when you work through challenges to learn a new concept or work through situations.  

Week of May 13-17


When you're able to see how you can be thankful, even in difficult times, that requires you to be strong.

Gratitude is one of many positive emotions. It's about focusing on what's good in our lives and being thankful for the things we have. Gratitude is pausing to notice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted, like having a place to live, food, clean water, friends, family, even computer access. It's taking a moment to reflect on how fortunate we are when something good happens — whether it's a small thing or a big thing. Practice gratitude every day.
These 3 steps can help you start feeling more grateful, and appreciative of the good things in your life:
Notice good things, look for them, appreciate them.
Savor, absorb and pay attention to these good things.
Express gratitude to yourself, write it down or thank someone.