Counselor Connection

For Las Colinas Elementary Parents


Thank you for visiting the Counselor Connection for Las Colinas Elementary parents page! If you have questions, please reach out to the counselor for your child's grade level using the email address below and she will get in touch with you. Please include your name, your student's name, and your phone number in your email.

Mission of the Las Colinas Elementary

School Counseling Program

The mission of the Las Colinas Elementary School Counseling Program is to cultivate success for all students by supporting each one academically, socially, and emotionally as they inquire, learn, and grow into kind, respectful, communicative members of society.

How to Contact Your School Counselor

Please include your name, student's name, and your phone number in your email.

You can also contact Ms. Terihay by phone at 972.968.2203 or through the Parent Square CFBISD app.

Counselors respond to emails when in office, during regular working hours, Monday - Friday from 7:15a- 3:45p. Please read below if you need immediate assistance.

Notice:**Email is not to be used for emergencies. In the event of a life-threatening emergency or injury, call 911 immediately. Counselors will respond to emails Monday through Friday during regular school hours. For additional support after hours or on weekends/holidays, please consider the following resources:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (24 hours a day/7 days a week)

English: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Spanish: 1-888-628-9454

Deaf/HoH: Dial 711, then 1-880-273-8255

Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline (24 hours/7 days a week)

English/Spanish: 1-800-662-HELP (4357) Deaf/HoH: 1-800-487-4889

Crisis Text Line (24 hours a day/7 days a week) Text HOME to 741741

Dehia Terihay

School Counselor

Las Colinas Elementary


Visit with the Counselor

Does your child have a need to visit the counselor? You may request a counselor visit, by contacting Ms. Terihay via phone or email. In case of an emergency, please contact 911.

Students may also request to meet with a counselor by filling out a counselor request form available through his/her teacher or outside of Ms. Terihay's office. Requests can also be made through a teacher or parent.

Should you have questions or need additional information, please let Ms. Terihay know.

Explore the LCE Student Counseling Page for a plethora of activities and calming tools!


Help students and parents help themselves by making resources easily accessible.

If you need help with Canvas, Seesaw, WebEx, Google Meets, password reset or another aspect of Digital Learning in CFB, please click link above.

Information regarding the following areas:

  • Counseling topics & resources

  • Counseling Connections Center

  • Social & Emotional Learning

  • Mental Health & Behavior

Times of crisis can bring unexpected challenges. Please click link above for a list of agencies who may be able to assist with food, clothing, counseling, medical and other needed resources

Many children seem comfortable with technology and the internet, but we need to remember they are still learning- especially when it comes to social media. Here are some tips to keep in mind about how to keep children safe on social media sites.

National Alliance on Mental Health and National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Call “988” to reach trained crisis counselors who can help in a mental health, substance use or suicide crisis.

Suicide and Crisis Center of North Texas

Call: 214-828-1000

Text "Connect" to 741741