International Thespian Society Junior Troupe

International Thespian Society Junior Troupe

Who? Any theatre student who has earned 10 points (see the Point System Handout on the back of this page) and paid their $17.00 dues may join the Blalack Middle School Chapter of ITS.

What? International Thespian Society (also known as ITS) is a Theatre Honor Society that carries on from now, through high school, and possibly into your professional career. Thespian is a Greek word that comes from Thespis, meaning “actor.”

Our Thespian Troupe is designed to be an honorary organization that recognizes and rewards excellence among the participants into the theatre arts program. Thespian membership should be viewed as an honor and a goal to which participants in the theatre arts program aspire.

When? Since we are an official organization, we will meet once a month for socials and gathers as a group to do theatre things. Students in ITS will also participate in productions (with after-school rehearsals on Wednesdays.) Jr. ITS induction ceremonies will take place after curtain call on show nights.

Why? This is one of a select few groups you can get special recognition for at high school graduation. Being a member now will give you up to 5 of the 10 points needed to join your high school ITS Troupe. Being in ITS in high school can make you eligible for scholarships!

How? You must have a minimum of 10 points to join. Points come from your work in show and attending shows. You must participate in at least two full-length productions at school (on stage or off stage). Dues ($17.00) will also need to be paid before you are inducted.

Blalack Middle School Jr. ITS Thespian Points

Thespian Point Form

Blalack Middle School Junior ITS Troupe Officers

President Nikole Brady

Vice President Neida Martinez

Secretary Arianna Terrazas

Historian Olivia Milligan

Librarian Sophia Wilson

2022-2023 International Thespian Society Junior Troupe Events

Month Event Date & Time

September 7/8th grade Fine Arts Social Friday, September 9th, 6:00-8:00pm

at Altitude Trampoline Park in Grapevine

October Middle School Theatre PlayFest Friday, October 14th, 6:00-9:00pm

at Blalack Middle School Performances at 8:15pm

November One-Act Play Cast Party Wednesday, November 16th, 8:00pm

Location TBD

December White Elephant Gift Exchange ($5 limit) TBD

January Board Game Social (Clue?) Date TBD, 3:45-5:00pm

February Dinner Theatre Cast Party Saturday, February 11th, after the show

Location TBD

March TBD

April Musical Cast Party Saturday, April 29th, after the show

Location TBD

May NSHS Off Broadway Show May 5 or 6 (TBD), Time TBD

Newman Smith HS