An image display and visualization tool for astronomical data

SAOImageDS9 Amid Proposed Chandra Budget Reductions

SAOImageDS9 is fully funded by the Chandra X-ray Science Center (CXC).
For information concerning future DS9 development, please read  A Letter of the Community 

SAOImageDS9 version 8.6b2 is Now available

New Features of SAOImageDS9


DS9 now supports an internal SAMP hub. Just start DS9 and exchange images and tables with your favorite external software. Even works with web based samp clients such as Chandra Source Catalog 2.0 with WWT and ESA Herschel Science Archive

Illustrate Mode

Overlay graphics, text, and images onto your DS9 window for presentation purposes. In illustration mode, users create graphics to be overlayed independent of underlying frames and colorbars. Export as png image or print as postscript.

Advanced View

DS9 gets a whole new look: the Advanced View.  Once users get to know DS9's capabilities, they quickly tire of having to click through so many levels of menus to access the feature they want.  With the Advanced View, DS9 has implemented icons that provide one-click access to many of the most common tasks: file open, region shape, bin/block/zoom, frame controls, and so much more. 

Fade Mode

Similar to Blink Mode, Fade Mode displays each frame, transitioning from the current to the next, and can be saved as a GIF movie