
Download full agenda PDF here. Select a date below to view that day's agenda and links to individual abstracts.

Tuesday June 16, 2020

Day 2 - Session Chair: Karin Öberg *Day 2 Session Recording* (Day 2 Q&A)

Meeting times are EDT

8:00-8:10 Introductory Remarks - Karin Öberg

8:10-8:25 Implications of a Hot Atmosphere/Corino from ALMA Observations toward NGC 1333 IRAS 4A1 - Dipen Sahu

8:25-8:40 Hot Corinos chemical diversity: myth or reality? - Marta De Simone

8:40-8:55 Water deuteration toward embedded low-mass protostars - Sigurd Jensen

8:55-9:10 Complex Organic Chemistry in Massive Star-forming Region G10.6-0.4 at Sub-arcsecond Resolution - Charles Law

9:10-9:20 Break

9:20-9:35 An Unbiased Chemistry Survey toward Embedded Protostars at the Perseus Star-forming Region - Yao-Lun Yang

9:35-9:50 An unbiased study of ices in Ophiuchus cloud using genetic modelling algorithm: paving the road for JWST - Will Rocha

9:50:10:05 Which molecule traces what in protostellar systems? - Lukasz Tychoniec

10:05-10:20 Observational Constraints on Envelope Ionization in Class I Protostars - Kamber Schwarz

10:20-10:30 Break

10:30-10:45 Porosity and micro-structure of interstellar ices: neutron scattering experiments and molecular dynamics simulations. - Pierre Ghesquiere

10:45-11:00 A computational approach to radical-radical reactivity on amorphous ice - Joan Enrique-Romero

11:00-11:15 Revealing the Relationship Between Ice and Gas Compositions in the Interstellar Medium: A New Lab Approach - Katarina Yocum

11:15-11:30 Low Temperature Reactions of CN + Benzene and Toluene: Implications for Cyano-Substituted Proxies in the ISM - Joseph Messinger

11:30 End Day 2

Wednesday June 17, 2020

Day 3 - Session Chair: Yuri Aikawa *Day 3 Session Recording* (Day 3 Q&A)

Meeting times are EDT

8:00-8:10 Introductory Remarks - Yuri Aikawa

8:10-8:25 Explaining the observed abundance and spectral profile of propylene oxide by chemical and radiative trasfer model - Prasanta Gorai

8:25-8:40 Forging Rings and Chains: Results from the GOTHAM and ARKHAM Surveys - Andrew Burkhardt

8:40-8:55 Aromatics and other species of biotic interest in galactic and extragalactic sources - Carla Martinez Canelo

8:55-9:10 Understanding Isomers in Interstellar Environments - Christopher N. Shingledecker

9:10-9:20 Break

9:20-9:35 Anomalous desorption of ammonia due to the formation of salts on cold surfaces - Franciele Kruczkiewicz

9:35-9:50 Experimental confirmation of methane ice formation by atomic C and H - Danna Qasim

9:50:10:05 Measurement of product branching ratios for astrochemically relevant reactions at low temperatures - Ilsa Cooke

10:05-10:20 Exploring the chemistry induced by energetic processing of the H2-bearing, CO-rich apolar ice layer - Rafael Martin Domenech

10:20-10:30 Break

10:30-10:45 Characterising the physical and chemical conditions of massive protostellar clusters - Mélisse Bonfand

10:45-11:00 ALMA-DOT: the ALMA chemical survey of Disk-Outflow sources in Taurus - Linda Podio

11:00-11:15 OH mid-infrared emission as a diagnostic of the UV radiation field around nascent stars - Benoit Tabone

11:15-11:30 High-spatial observations of protostellar shocks to constrain formation routes of complex organic molecules - Claudio Codella

11:30 End Day 3

Friday June 19, 2020