Teaching Resources

classroom resources

voices from here

Visit this link for an oral history video series that features stories from First Nations, Metis, and Inuit participants. These stories shed light on histories of resilience and resurgence, and are part of a bigger history that has been overlooked in curricula and classroom settings.

resources available at the IMC!

The IMC has a variety of resources that support curricular outcomes, build foundational knowledge and understanding, and bring the Calls to Action to life in our schools and classrooms. A few of these resources are highlighted below and contain links for easy access. As new resources are developed and located, we will cycle them through this section.

Walking Together

Learn Alberta

Classroom Supports

Empowering the Spirit

Blanket Exercise

To book the Blanket Exercise for your staff or students please contact Patrick Mitsuing at pmitsuing@cesd73.ca.

The Truth and Reconcilation Commission of Canada has put out a call to all students, kindergarten to post-secondary, to share their vision of what reconciliation could be in Canada. Imagine Canada is an opportunity for schools and students to thoughtfully and actively participate in the act of reconciliation.

Please check out the video in the link above for more information. This video is a great way to introduce the opportunity to the students. As always, the conversations that lead up to, during and after our work in this area is what leads to a deeper understanding of our history and the legacy of it for all of us - Indigenous and non-Indigenous.

Secret Path

A 12 year old Ojibway boy who died from hunger and exposure after trying to find his way home from a residential school is the inspiration behind a new project from Gord Downie. Through this project, Downie is drawing attention to the legacy of residential schools and what he sees as the need for all Canadians to be involved in reconciliation.

The Secret Path

Grades 7-10 Teaching Resources

Buffalo Kit

Everything you ever wanted to know about buffalo!" Museum quality artifacts, information and simple lesson plans. (K-12)

7 Teachings

Something for everyone! Grab and Go kits that highlight character education through the lens of indigenous teachings. New resources added regularly! (K-12)

100 Years of Loss

Journey through the emotional story of residential schools, as you learn and teach about the untold story of Canadian history. (7-12)

Sample Lesson Plans

Learn Alberta Samples Lesson Plans that support education for reconciliation through the inclusion of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit perspectives; treaty; education; and residential schools' experiences, with learning outcomes identified in the current Alberta program of studies.