New Curriculum
Welcome to the CESD New Curriculum site. Thank you for your patience as we populate this site, this is a work in progress!
Welcome to the CESD New Curriculum site. Thank you for your patience as we populate this site, this is a work in progress!
This site will be updated throughout the year as our work progresses.
This site will be updated throughout the year as our work progresses.
Please check back often for updates - indicated by BLUE text.
Please check back often for updates - indicated by BLUE text.
Keys to Successful Curriculum Roll-out
Keys to Successful Curriculum Roll-out
Setting strong foundations that will support roll-out of new curriculum.
Supporting teachers throughout the planning, instruction, and assessment cycle within the context of our new curriculum.
Building leadership capacity in our teachers.
Curriculum Roll-out Timeline
Curriculum Roll-out Timeline
September 2022:
K-3: Mathematics
K-3: English Language Arts & Literacy
K - 6: Physical Education & Wellness
September 2023:
K-3: Science
K-3: French Immersion Language Arts & Literature
4-6: Mathematics
4-6: English Language Arts & Literacy
September 2024:
K-6: Social Studies (pilot)
4-6: Science
4-6: French Immersion Language Arts & Literature
September 2025:
K-?: Social Studies