Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

  • "U" (unable to access): You are able to use the U for the standard score. You will find it on the Score Inspector.

  • Adapting Standards: to adapt a subject, while still being able to toggle some outcomes in it:

Click on Subject > Students > select Standards Progress > select the student > scroll to bottom of standards > type Y into the little box beside blue bubble > type a comment explaining adaptation in general to the subject in comment box on bottom right of screen > SAVE

  • Printing a copy of your GradeBook

Click Reports on the left sidebar > Select Class > Choose class you want to print > Select Term > Click Run Report (bottom right hand corner). This creates a PDF. Open and print.

  • Naming your sections:

You can change the name of your section in PTP (not the Navigation page) to something that makes sense to you. Follow these steps:

Settings > Class Descriptions > Display Settings > Please make sure you hit save!

  • Finding Outcomes:

You can find an outcome by using the filter box on the Standard page of Create Assignments. Simply type in a word / phrase that is in the outcome and it will list all outcomes with that in it.


  • Removing Students from Assignments: Remember to remove students out of an assignment when it is created. If you remove them after you have entered data, you will lose all data. If you do it at creation, you can simply duplicate the assignment and add them in, then change outcomes etc.
  • Entering Learner Attributes: Do not create an assignment to enter attributes, rather enter them directly into homeroom: Click A+ Grading > under Grades choose Standards (your class list will show up) enter comment in box with blue bubble > enter scale for each attribute > SAVE. ** Remember: the Learner Attributes are flagged but are the exception to the "flag rule." Go ahead and enter your scale!
  • Where is the undo / go back button?

PowerTeacher Pro does not have this feature.

PowerTeacher Pro Questions

  • How do I copy assignments from term to term or year to year?

1. Go to the class and the assignment list for the term you want to copy.

2. Click the toggle wheel in the top right corner.

3. In the FROM

TERM Select T1 in the 2019-2020 year

CLASS Select the subject its coming from

In the TO

TERM This is where you can pick your T2 in the 2019-2020 year (THIS IS WHERE YOU WOULD PICK NEXT YEAR WHEN YOU COME BACK IN AUGUST)

CLASS Select the Subject


You can CUSTOM to next T2 dates for all of them or RELATIONAL (Due dates Relative to Select Term).

Toggle the assignments you want to copy and click COPY ASSIGNMENT.

  • Does the Duplicate button at the bottom of create assignment page do the same thing as the Selecting Classes at the top?

Yes it does. However, there are other ways you can use it:

  1. You can duplicate an assignment that is similar to another one. You could change or add a few outcomes to it.
  2. You can duplicate an assignment from one grade 5 class to a new one you have just been assigned (ie. it was not in your original selection of classes).
  3. Next year, you will be able to duplicate assignments from this year to your new gradebook.

  • Can we import / export assignments from other platforms or my old Gradebook?


  • Can we share assignments between teachers?

In order to be able to share assignments between teachers (ie. a grade team uses the same assessments), your Administrative Assistant would have to set you up as co-teachers. The lead teacher attached to the class will still show up as the lead in the Parent Portal and on the report card.

However, please be aware that because you are co-teachers, you have access to each other's class lists. Therefore, when entering grades be VERY sure you are in your class. If you enter into another teacher's GradeBook, there is no way to correct it (no undo button). Also keep in mind that PowerTeacher Pro is live, so errors are also live. Use this option with caution!

  • I have found spelling and typos in some standards. What should I do?

Please send Erin or Sandi a screenshot and we will put a ticket into the PTP Tech Support Team to fix. They are very quick in fixing these. We appreciate you helping us ensure the site is clean and correct!

  • There isn't a way to autofill when entering scale in Learner Attributes. Can you change this?

No. But you can enter all your students at the same time, on the same page. Please see How To Guidebook, Part 3.

  • Can we have access to other grade outcomes (ie. if I have an adapted student in grade 4 working on grade 3 math outcomes, can I select them)?

At this time, you only have access to the outcomes / standards for the grade you teach (ie. the grade your students are enrolled in). We will gather feedback on this from teachers at the end of the pilot and this will guide our next steps.

In the meantime, if you are using outcomes from another grade for your adapted students in a subject area, you should go to the bottom of the standards page and click adapted. You can use the comment box to explain what outcomes they are working on.

  • I teach Humanities and want to attach outcomes / standards from both Social Studies and ELA to an assignment. Can I do this?

As above, not at this time. We will gather feedback on this question at the end of the pilot and this will guide our next steps.

In the meantime, you could duplicate an assignment created for ELA, add it to your SS course and attach the applicable outcomes. You could use the same score or adjust it to reflect the Social Studies sections of the assignment.


  • How are final scores for outcomes calculated?

The standard / outcome grade is calculated for each category of each subject area. The grade is the mean (average) of all outcomes attached to assessments for each Report Card category in a subject.

There is not a cumulative final grade for each subject.

  • Is there a report that will show me all the outcomes I have assessed to date?

Yes. Please see Tips and Tricks for printing GradeBook.