support & services

CESAs in the WiRR Cohort provide services at four meetings a year at no charge to participating districts.  Once onboarded, all participating schools and districts are part of one WiRR cohort, and within that cohort, support will be provided for the various stages of implementation.

Services Include

Once a school or district has a scorecard in place, CESAs can provide continued support in a fee-for-service model. That work includes audits, strategic planning, and professional development to achieve improved outcomes. The work also includes next steps in strengthening ACP efforts and the development of pathways to graduation, and the profile of a graduate to reflect the many ways students can earn a diploma by design.


March 2023

CESA WiRR Support & Services

Select a CESA Agency below for WiRR Support and Services Information

~Updates in progress; check back for more information~

WiRR CESA Logos for Support Page Links