Wellness Workouts 

Short Activities for Educators 

Mindful Moments <-- click | This is a collection of ready to use slides that guide the facilitation of activities for educators found within The Onward Workbook, by Elena Aguilar. Pictured below are the 7 included activities for you to practice as an individual or group. 

Values at School

Sensing Calm | Grounding

Positive Affirmations

Creating a Remember-Lutions Jar

Invite Your Emotions to Tea

Thanking Your Emotions

Mindful Eating

Video Shorts

Empathy Video Short

Blame Video Short

YouTube Playlist | Mindful Minutes

This playlist includes 18 preselected minute long video options that can be used to refocus your attention to the present moment.

Tools & Strategies

SEL Quick Connect

Use this "Blob Tree" visual to identify where you are at the moment. Participants may put a marking or sticker next to their blob, act their blob out, or have a discussion. Other blob tree visuals and versions are available through a google search. 

Two Word Check-In Strategy | Example, "What are two words that describe how you're showing up today?" Participants can write their words on a post-it and stick to a shared space, type into a chat, verbally share them at introductions, etc. 

The Placemat Process | This tool, developed by Ted Neitzke, can be used to get to know each other, speed trust & authenticity. Facilitators may chose to have a team complete certain items to help better understand each individual as well as the collective team's identity, strengths, and gaps. 

Embeddable GIFs

click here for moving embeddable GIFs that simulate breathing

Inclusive Get-to-Know-You Questions for Educators.pdf

Visual Breathing

Teen Led Video Shorts | Students are pretty amazing aren't they? Allow students to help teach, lead, & guide you through a wellness workout. We all have mental health and are in this together!

Body Check-In

First, check in with your shoulders. Are they hunched up toward your ears? Release any tension they’re holding and drop them away from your ears. 

Notice Your Self Talk

What’s one phrase you tend you repeat that is negative about yourself? Now, reframe it into a positive. How can you show yourself more grace?

Mental Vacation Visualization

Create a picture in your mind of a place that is really peaceful to you. Focus on the sounds and what you see. Imagine the sensations of touch. 

Make a To-Do List

Take a moment right now to write out a to-do list. Include some healthy activities, like going for a walk. Then challenge yourself to check off one thing on this list.

Mental Wellness Promotion Posters | Embed a digital poster into your slides or facilitation that promotes social and emotional learning and helps reduce stigma around mental health. One might be displayed during welcome, departure, break, or more. Printed copies available at CESA 6! (PPT version)

"Tender enough to feel. Present enough to witness. Humble enough to listen. Courageous enough to act. Accountable enough to change"