Artificial Intelligence 

and Education 

Collaboration amongst colleagues is productive an fun. With the help of A.I., your efficiency will increase and you'll have more time for these great opportunities.


The purpose of this site is to provide insight and tools in the realm of education and the usage of artificial intelligence.

This is a relatively new open world tool that is causing a lot of panic when it comes to student work and accountability.

As with most things there are pros and cons, here we will highlight both, and provide resources for you to focus on the pros of this very powerful tool.

What is Artifical Intelligence and where did it come from?

Generically speaking, Artificial Intelligence has been around for quite some time (most of our lifetimes and beyond). It hasn't been until relatively recently that we are seeing it used on a more general basis, at the finger tips of all.   Only even more recently has it become talked about in educational circules as it has become a perceived threat.  Here is a quick snippet of where artificial intelligence started and where it is today.

The Initial Debate

A.I. tools have been around for quite some time. However, with the release of ChatGPT, the resurgence of student usage of A.I. has increased exponentially. The first fear this creates is the issue of plagiarism and authentic student work. 

The easiest way to counter this is to block everything on student devices. But does that really solve the problem? Most students have personal, independent devices that can still access tools for plagiarism. 

Tools like; Caktus, Quillbot, TLDR, SpinBot, Paraphrase Online, ChatGPT, DupliChecker, and more are around and have been around for quite some time. With the new wave of A.I. technology, students can create more deceptive ways to cheat and not be caught. What are teachers to do?

Another threat that is gaining traction is the fear of A.I. taking over teaching positions. This doesn't have a lot of merit to it, but there is a fear amongst teachers out there.

There are ways to combat plagiarism, an example being GPTZero, which is an A.I. program to check if the submitted work is more than likely A.I. created or student created. As educators, we know our students' work, and seeing a drastic change in student thinking and explanation will raise red flags. So, how can teachers use this to better their lives and save some time?

Lesson creation? Writing prompts? Next level questioning? New ideas for old content? All of these are possible and very attainable with the explosion of tools in the A.I. for education boom.

As teachers, we are also tasked with TEACHING our students about A.I. and how to use it.  This is a powerful tool and will not be going away.  Students will be required to use it in the work world and probably at home.  We need to help them understand proper and best use. 

Like elsewhere in our lives, technology tools make our lives easier, better, quicker, etc.  As a tool it can enable teachers to get their time back and focus on teaching.

  Lesson Planning
  Textbook Enrichment, Dynamic Content
  Student, Parent, Peer communication

  Rubric creation, Augment, Review and Feedback

  Engaging Techniques
    Ideation, Personas, Gamification, Relatability