CES VEGA MEDIA was born as a vocational training centre in 1982. Throughout the years, it has achieved to complete its educational offer with other Stages: Infant, Primary and Secondary Education. Our whole educational offer is funded by Regional Ministry of Education. Since we are a concerted school, education is free. We have a stable staff which combines, maturity and stability of the oldest members with the freshness of the newer generation of teachers. The motto of this school is working continuously to improve as workers but also as individuals.

Our school is located in Alguazas, a village with approximately 9600 inhabitants. It is 25 kilometres away from the city of Murcia. We believe that this project can be the perfect complement for the education of our Secondary students and also for the training of our teachers. It is also a complement to the variety of activities that we do within our Foreign Languages Department like the International Week which is celebrated in May. During a whole week, our students participate in a group of activities related to the foreign languages taught in our school ( English and French). We have a total of 40 teachers and 500 students.

Our school works as a Cooperative School. All the cooperative schools in Murcia are embraced by the Union of Cooperatives of the Region of Murcia ( UCOERM) which promotes the cooperative work in order to improve the education of all the students in its schools. CES Vega Media, like the rest of schools in UCOERM, promotes personal entrepreneurship in our students and we are committed with the highest quality standards and continuous improvement.