隨藝 Go with the art flow




馬到成功 Horses with Chinese Characters 105x23x43cm 2008 $1500



Blossom in the night

22x22x35cm 2012 $700

(not available)



Go with the art flow, tea-pot

49x31x34 2013 $800

天馬行空 Wild thoughts 37x37x48cm   2009 $1200 (Sold)

葉葉情 Ivy 25x28x36cm 2012 $700

金馬奔騰 Golden Horses Running 45x45x54cm   2013 $2000


空谷幽菊 Mountain Daisies 24x25x35cm 2012 $700


Vase with Chinese Characters

31x41x55 2013 $1800

八駿爭輝 Eight Horses playing 23x30x48cm 2012 $1600

(Not Available)  

月夜婆娑 Flowers in the night 21x23x36cm 2012 $700

(not availalbe)

小酌(扁)Take a sip (sold)

17x8x17cm 2009 $200

馳騁 Horses running out of the book. 47x30x20cm NFS 


四季風情 Four Seasons 31x28x41cm 2012 $800

(not available)


Drinking tea with a guest on a cold night (Sold)

pot 23x12x14 2006   $200


嬉 Playing (rolling and running) Left 27x30x20cm (Sold) Right30x20x30cm    2009 $350each

(not available)


純純我心 My pure heart 26x23x37cm 2012 $700

(not available)

下午茶 Afternoon Tea (Sold)

Jar 15x12x15 

Pot 19x15x10 2011 $350

(not Available)

肚大能容 Round body jar

15x15x18 2009 $200

(not available)

(Not Available) 

歡飲歲月 Memory of drinking tea

壺19x16x19 2010 $200

(not available)

春鬧 Spring blossom 23x23x35cm 2012 $700

舒活 Joy de vivre 33x33x40cm 2010 (Sold)


共君飲 Drink with you

30x16x25 2009 $200


點點藍星 Hydrangea blossom 23x24x34cm     2012 $700

(not available)

飛龍 Dragon in the Sky 48x31x38cm   2009 $1200


書與眼鏡 Book and glasses 22x14x6   2012 $250


筆筒 Pencil tidy 22x14x9 2012 $250


花影 Flowers with shadows 20x23x34cm 2012 $700

鎏金歲月 Memories of a golden age

Hand bag 18x7x24cm

High heel shoes 22x8x13  

2013 $250 $150



夜未眠 Restless night 22x23x35cm 2012 $700

(not available)

水仙 Daffodil vase 26x23x35cm 2013 $800



“Yu Hu Chun” vase

25x28x39cm 2012 $1000

鳶尾 Iris Vase 21x32x38cm 2013 $800

牡丹 Peonies 33x23x42cm 2011 $1000   

(not available)

一剪梅 A bunch of plums

27x24x45cm 2011 $600


水果盤 Fruit plate 44x32x17 2010 $800

(not available)


靜物 Still life 47x45x29 2011 $1200   

繡球 Hydrangea 27x23x28cm 2013 $800

(not available)

瓶中玫瑰(扁Roses in vase (flattened) 18x10x29 2008 $300
