Paired Reading with Parents

Paired Reading (The Short Version) :)

Parent and child read together until child gives signal to read independently. 

Child reads independently until a reading error (mistake) is made.  The parent immediately corrects the mistake and child repeats corrected word.  If a student comes to an unknown word, the parent gives the student approximately 4 seconds to read the unknown word.  After 4 seconds the parent reads the unknown word and the student repeats the word.  

After the parent gives the correction, reading together begins again until the child gives the signal to read independently.  

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The Nuts and Bolts of Paired Reading

Materials Needed: A book at your child’s reading level, your child, and YOU!

Step 1:

Find a quiet and comfortable place without distractions. Make sure the book can be easily positioned between you and the your child. Both you and your child should be able to follow the text. Choose a signal for your child to use when he/she is ready to read independently.

Step 2:

Say to your child, “Now we are going to read aloud together for a little while.Whenever you want to read alone , just (insert signal) and I will stop reading.  If you come to a word you don’t know, I will tell your the word and begin reading with you again.”

Step 3:

Begin reading aloud with your child. If your child misreads a word, point to the word and pronounce it. Then have the student repeat the word. When the student reads the word correctly, begin reading the text again.

Step 4:

When your child once again gives you the signal, stop reading aloud and follow along silently. Don’t forget to occasionally praise your child~find something specific they are doing well. (For example, “You did a good job sounding out that hard word!”)

Step 5:

If your child makes a reading error or cannot decode a word within approx. 45 seconds, point to the word and pronounce it. Have your child repeat the word and then begin reading out loud with your child.

Step 6:

Continue reading aloud with your child until he/she once again give you the signal.

This information was adapted from the “The Savvy Teacher’s Guide: Reading Interventions That Work by Jim Wright©  wwwinterventioncentral/org®

References:  Topping, K. (1987). Paired reading: A powerful technique for parent use. Reading Teacher, 40, 608-614