Chorus Handbook

Chorus is for students of all experience levels to experience the joy of participating in a musical ensemble and sharing music with our community. Throughout history, singing has been a way of celebrating, acknowledging important events, and bringing communities together and you are a part of this important tradition.

In Chorus, we will learn singing technique, note reading, sight singing, and how to perform as a part of a vocal ensemble. All students participate in a homecoming performance, fall cabaret, winter concert, spring concert, graduation and several other special performances during the year. Before each concert, we will have a dress rehearsal after school or in the evening. These dates will be supplied to parents and students well in advance and will count toward your grade.

Chorus Rehearsal Expectations

To earn your participation points in chorus, I will expect the following:

Bring all necessary materials to chorus daily:

Use proper singing technique:

Focusing and concentrating on the music we are working on that day.

Take notes in your music 

No talking when you're supposed to be singing

No homework during rehearsal time

No cell phone use while singing

No headphones in while singing/during direct instruction

Bring a positive attitude!

Chorus Rehearsal Norms


Being a member of the chorus brings with it certain responsibilities. Attendance at all performances and rehearsals is both necessary and mandatory. We are a team. Your absence or tardiness affects the overall performance of the entire chorus. A serious illness or certain extenuating circumstances are among the very few permitted excuses.


Your grade in chorus is determined not only by your attendance at rehearsals and concerts but also by your day-to-day participation in class. There will be four major parts to your grade:

To earn points for your daily participation, you must follow the rules outlined in the chorus rehearsal expectations. Participation points will make up a large portion of your grade.

For a written quiz, test, or singing test, points will be assigned to that particular project and graded accordingly.

Concerts/Dress Rehearsals

Concert Attire

Students will be required to wear concert-appropriate dress clothing for each performance. Students may wear dress pants and a dress shirt, a skirt and a dress shirt, or a dress along with dress shoes. If wearing a dress or skirt, it should be no shorter than 3 inches above the knee. If wearing a collared button-up shirt, students should wear a tie. Subtle prints are permitted, but solid colors are preferred. No heels over 3 inches will be permitted for safety reasons. No jeans, athleticwear, or tennis shoes, please. All concert attire should follow the school dress code outlined in the CVHS student handbook. Specifics will be given for each concert.

If anyone needs help in acquiring concert attire, please let Ms. Damp know so that she can help.  If anyone has dress clothes that no longer fit, we are always looking for donations to have on hand for students who may need them. 

If a student fails to comply with the guidelines for concert attire, they may be required to change into alternate clothing or sit out of the performance. If a student does not perform, they will receive zero credit for their performance grade.

Use of Sacred Music

Religious music from various cultures and time periods will occasionally be used in the choral classroom and in concerts. The National Association for Music Education states on their website, “the study and performance of religious music within an educational context is a vital and appropriate part of a comprehensive music education. The omission of sacred music from the school curriculum would result in an incomplete educational experience.” Although we may dissect the text of these pieces to enrich our performance, discussions will center on uncovering the composer’s original intent. No student will ever be expected to practice or believe any religious material discussed in class. For more information on NAfME’s stance on religious music in the classroom, click here: