
Mrs. Balestrieri

Hello! My name is Mrs. Cher Balestrieri. I  am a 5th-grade ELA and Social Studies teacher here at Todd Lane Elementary in the Central Valley School District. This is my eleventh year teaching at Todd Lane Elementary, but it is my 18th year in education! I am so excited to meet all of my new students.

A little bit about me: I love to spend time with my husband Phil and my daughter Layla! As a family, we enjoy traveling wherever an adventure may take us! I have one dog, my super-pup, named Chunk and a crazy cat, named Lucy.

I cannot wait to hear about all of my students' summer adventures! I also cannot wait to create our own adventures in school! 

Happy Learning,

Mrs. B

Phil, myself and Layla

Chunk the Super-Pup

Lucy the Wild Cat!

         In Memory of Pippy and Ella the Best Dogs Ever!