Unit 10

Colonial America

This unit builds upon what students have learned about the exploration and settlement of North America by Native Americans and Europeans, and reviews what students may have already learned about the English colonies in North America. Students will learn more about the way in which the English colonies were established and how each developed a unique culture. Furthermore, students will learn details about the way in which the climate, geography, and motivations of the settlers influenced life in each of the thirteen colonies. Finally, students will hear a brief overview of the events leading to the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Revolutionary War, and the establishment of the United States as its own nation.


Spelling List #1

occupy wobble shrewd movement toothache tougher accuse

whoever secure ability addition sentence vowel spherical

affect identity continue hospital definite beautiful Powhatan

Spelling List #2

loyalty tenderloin paranoid oysters adjoining corduroy boycott

moisture annoying rejoice soybean turquoise disappoint employee

emboridery avoided deployed especially whole hole Savannah

Spelling List #3

bloodhound trowel accountable dismount empowered drowned astounding

mouthwash counselor growled cowardly announcement download boundaries

towering foundation background allowance believe favorite Pennsylvania


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Lesson 2:

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Lesson 10:

Lesson 11:

Lesson 12:

Lesson 13:

Lesson 14:

Lesson 15: