Deterring Cheating and Plagiarism

This video, by teacher Aaron Maurer, starts by asking us to think about why we might want students to share quiz questions beforehand. Then he provides some simple tips to deter that if you give your quiz using Google Forms.

How Students Use Technology to Cheat and What Faculty Can Do About It - This paper focuses on e-cheating and how faculty members can address it.

To earn the badge for Deterring Cheating and Plagiarism Level 1:

These resources offer different perspectives and techniques for deterring academic dishonesty and creating quality assessments that can contribute to that goal. Watch or read some of the materials to get ideas about how to deter cheating through the way assessments are created.

Watch the video on Google Forms quizzes, and/or watch the TED Talk, and/or read the paper. They all have different insights and ideas to offer.

  • Contribute to the conversation about cheating and how to combat it by sharing your ideas in the Class Comment space for the Deterring Cheating Challenge in the PD Classroom on Google Classroom. Please don't name specific students. All members of the PD Classroom (that includes most staff members) will be able to see your comments. Reflect on what the authors in these sources say, Talk about kinds of cheating you have encountered, and how you have tried to combat it. What successful techniques have you found?