Cougar Code

Responsibility pays OFF!!!


Since Central Lutheran School bears the name of our Lord and Savior and is dedicated to His honor and glory, all of us must represent our school with behavior and attitudes that are pleasing to Christ and further the cause of His kingdom. 

Our conduct and speech should always seek to follow God’s directive to “love Him above all and our neighbor as ourselves”. In order to direct our behavior down the path our Lord sets before us in the Bible, the Cougar Code has been established:

Come ready for academic success

Only act in a very respectful manner

Use the JOY model (Jesus-Others-You)

Give my gifts and talents back to God

Accept responsibility for my words and actions

Remain on task

Show God's love to everyone I meet

Our goal at Central Lutheran School is to work together with families to encourage positive growth in the area of discipline:

Each student will earn $3 for the day. If a student comes to school with late homework, $1 will be withdrawn from their account for each late assignment. If a student is not following the cougar code outlined here, they may lose money as well.

I will be making deposits and withdrawals in the students' bank account each week. 

Once a month, students can spend their cash on 5 extra points on an assignment or test, VIP area for the day, free homework pass, or no memory for the week. 

 Students and parents can access the bank account.

Login to  Our bank ID # is 61886

username: first letter of first name and full last name. ex. cschanbacher

password: central1

Please respect others and only login to your own account. If you would like a secret password, let me know and I can change it for you.