Meet your teacher

My name is Miss Elise Davidshofer. I teach ELL at Central Intermediate School AND Central Primary School. This will be my 9th year teaching at Central, and I can't wait to see what the 2021-2022 school year brings for us this year!

My Family

I currently live in Deer Creek with my boyfriend, Jordan, and our eight year old cat, Dexter. Both of my parents live out of state, so I do not get to see them that often. I have an older sister, Erin, who moves frequently due to her husband being in the military; however, my sister and I are fairly close.

My Hobbies

Crafts--I enjoy anything crafty. Knitting, sewing, handlettering, painting, drawing, wood work, cooking, etc.

Reading--I am an avid reader (although I did not like reading when I was in school). If you need a book recommendation, ask me as I read a lot of children's and YA books!

Powerlifting--I started powerlifting (squats, deadlifts, bench press) during the summer of 2017, and I quickly fell in love with it. I have done 3 competitions since then, and while I am not good enough to place in the top, it is still fun to beat old lifting records!

Traveling--I enjoy traveling and going on vacation especially to any new MLB ballparks! My boyfriend and I are currently working on visiting every MLB ballpark.

Did You Know??

  • I started Knit for a Cause in January 2019! The students have loved learning how to knit and giving back to local charities!

  • I help coach Drama and Speech at Central Intermediate School.

  • I love setting goals for myself and challenging myself to accomplish more than I thought I ever could!

  • I studied arts and crafts and Telemark (downhill) skiing in Norway after high school. I attended a cultural school called Folk High Schools, which are for students between 17-25ish years old.

  • I used to be fluent in Norwegian -- my language has faded some over the years as I don't use it much anymore.

      • For 10 years, I learned Norwegian every summer in Minnesota at a language camp and even received 5 years of high school credit for Norwegian as a result of my time there.

      • In 2009, I taught Norwegian at the same summer camp.

  • I, also, learned French in high school, but I do not recall any of it anymore. I learned languages best in a full immersion setting, which isn't possible in a high school setting.