Washington Central 51 Scholastic Bowl


Scholastic Bowl is a competitive academic club. In this activity, we field teams that compete against other schools in head-to-head matches involving answering questions on a variety of topics. Some of these topics include science, mathematics, literature, art, history, geography, government, mythology, etc. 

This activity is IESA sanctioned. Central has both an A and B team made up of students in grades 6th, 7th, & 8th. Both teams will play at every scheduled match.


Scholastic Bowl runs from January through May.

 Practices are usually held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-4:00 unless there is a match. 


Amanda Lowry - alowry@central51.net

Nicolette Kennedy - nkennedy@central51.net

Google Classroom

Students - You can find study materials in the Scholastic Bowl Google Classroom.