CPS Newsletter | Spring | Issue Nine

Headteacher's Update

Dear Parents/Carers,

It has been a bustling couple of weeks here at Central, filled with exciting events and important developments. As always, we are thrilled to share our updates and reminders with you.

A heartfelt thank you to all who contributed to our World Book Day festivities. Your generous book donations to our library are invaluable as we work towards getting it up and running. We deeply appreciate your support in nurturing a love for reading among our students and hope you enjoyed the staff team's Masked Reader compilation.  We also thoroughly enjoyed and were very lucky to have a visit from Ross Montgomery.  I know the children were very impressed by his beautiful books. Lots of fabulous history learning has been taking place over the last couple of weeks. Year 1 were  visited by  Florence Nightingale and Year 3 took part in a fabulous Egyptian Workshop.  I am sure if you were to ask any of these pupils about their experiences, they would be able to tell you all sorts of interesting snippets of information.  

SEND Provision and Behaviour Focus:

As you are aware from my previous communications and our Ofsted report in May 2023, we have been working very hard on  the following areas:

We are delighted to share the positive outcomes of our continued focus on SEND provision and behaviour management. A recent report from our adviser highlighted significant improvements since our last Ofsted inspection, particularly in the provision for pupils with SEN/D. This progress is a testament to the dedication and strategic efforts of our staff.  The report stated: 

'Leaders have worked strategically and reflectively to bring about improvements to provision for all children at Central Primary School including those with SEN/D... There was abundant evidence of the impact of the school’s work to improve provision for pupils with SEND. Overall, it is clear that the provision in place for pupils with SEN/D is now more effective – and allows pupils to access education more meaningfully. Overall, there has been a significant improvement in behaviour across the school and this makes learning easier for all pupils and makes the school a truly pleasant place to spend time – for adults and children.'

Attendance and Safety Reminders:

While celebrating our achievements, we must also address areas that need attention. We kindly remind parents to ensure their children are punctual.  On Thursday this week, we again had 32 children come through the school office that were late in.  Additionally, for the safety of all students, please refrain from allowing bikes or scooters on the school premises. It has come to our attention that a Reception student was injured by a member of the school community on a bike outside of school. Let's prioritise safety both within and outside of school grounds.

Thank you for your continued cooperation and support in creating a safe and enriching learning environment for all our students.

Kind regards

Mrs S. Wright


Willow Class Blog

Dear Parents/Carers,

It's been a very busy and productive term in willow class! The children have been engaged in their learning and it's been a joy to see their curiosity and enthusiasm every day. 


Willow class have been exploring an exciting and adventurous topic: survival in the jungle! The children have amazed all the adults in class with their creativity as they've crafted very factual and interesting guides on how to survive if anyone ever finds themselves stranded in the jungle, forest or artic! From building shelters to identifying edible plants, their writing has truly been amazing. 


Willow have been learning to explore fractions, understanding the rules of ordering and comparing fractions, equivalent fractions and multiplying fractions and mixed numbers. This has been a very long unit, which the children have really tried very hard in and their efforts are seen everyday in class. We are continuing to focus on multiplying mixed fractions, changing mixed fractions into improper fractions and ordering and comparing mixed numbers. 


In RE, Willow have been learning about Sikhism. We spoke about the importance of some books in our lives, it may be a story or journal. We discussed further how holy books are important to people and how Sikhs identify themselves and their religious beliefs and how they contribute to society. To really be immersed in our learning, Year 5 went on a local trip to the Gurdwara and they saw first hand how people pray and had a chance to delve deeper into learning about the Sikhs identity and the 5 K's! 

World Book Day

Year 5 were lucky to have a children's author come in to do a workshop with Year 5 on writing stories and his experience on becoming a writer. It was great to see as lots of our children were motivated by his great story telling skills. The children had a go at creating their own stories with inspiration from Ross Montgomery's books. 

Ms Akhtar

Stars of the week

Year R



Year 1



Year 2



Year 3



Year 4



Year 5



Year 6



Online Safety Useful Websites

A useful website with step by step guides to set up parental controls on most devices:


Childnet advice on how to report problems on popular services:


A website with a whole range of family friendly games that you can play with your children:


A website with reviews of films, tv shows, books, games, podcasts and apps; this website suggests appropriate options for your children and lets you know what content is involved:


A website with information for parents about gaming.


Ways to develop converstaions with your children about online safety:


Year 6 Transition Meeting

Central Mar 24 (1).docx

Attendance at Central


At Central Primary School, we take attendance and punctuality very seriously. We aim to have an attendance figure in excess of 96% . Our current attendance percentage is 94.6%.

I am really pleased to see this percentage continue to grow. Our most recent meeting with the attendance officer highlighted the great improvements we have seen in some areas of attendance so thank you for all of your support.

Please remember arriving on time for school is important because late arrivals will miss and also disrupt the learning already happening in class. On Thursday this week we had 34 children late!

If you have concerns about or need support with your child's attendance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs Guthrie 

Please use this link as guidance from the NHS regarding sickness and attendance. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery (please click the top link when redirected)

At Central Primary School, we recognise pro-social behaviours by giving children ClassDojo points. Every half term, the classes decide on a collective target to earn a class reward. In addition, at the end of the half term, we hold a ClassDojo raffle, where the children can win some exciting prizes! 

1st place - Acorn Class

2nd place - Beech Class

3rd place - Oak Class

Dates for the diary

Spring 2