CPS Newsletter | Autumn | Issue Three

Stars of the week

Year R



Year 1



Year 2



Year 3



Year 4



Year 5



Deputy Headteacher Blog

It has been a wonderful 3 weeks of being Deputy Headteacher at Central Primary and most of you will have seen me on the gate at Reception, welcoming the children in and it has been so lovely to say hello to so many of you all as you come into the school. 

One of my roles in the school is Reading Lead and we have been working hard as a school to ensure that we create a love of reading for all children and that all children have books that are accessible to them. In order to ignite this love of reading, we ensure that our curriculum is full of high quality core texts in all subjects and these are read aloud in story times or in lessons. Part of our Reading sessions ensure that we promote reading discussions where the children are able to share and talk about the books they have read, as well as members of staff sharing their recommendations too, reflecting on new knowledge, new words and new feelings they have learnt. 

Another area that we are focusing on to promote a love of reading is our book corners - these can really make a difference to the way children choose and find books that catch their eye. As a school we are working on our book corners so that children are able to browse the best books, revisit books they have read in class and recommend books to one another. The DFE Reading Framework states that book corners should be like mini bookshops and only 30-50 books should be shared so that children are able to find books that match their level of reading. I wanted to share a few of these book corners around the school that are helping the children pick their books and enjoy the space they read the book in. 

In Autumn 2, I will be starting a Book Club that I hope lots of children are able to join so they can share their favourite books with me, other children and also with parents/guardians to ensure that reading is not just a high focus at school but at home as well.

 It is so important that you read to your child and your child reads to you so that new vocabulary is learnt, experiences are shared and conversations are encouraged. 

Mrs Bond.

Mrs Bond's Book of the Week

This week's book recommendation is suitable for Early Years 

Supertato by Sue Hendra

This is a bright, colourful, fun read with wonderful illustrations  that is silly, exciting and full of laughter. When evil peas are loose in the supermarket and causing havoc, carrots are suddenly stuck on conveyor belts and moustaches and glasses are drawn on broccoli and the only person to save the day is Supertato! With his super belt around his middle and a bandit-like eye mask, Supertato's superpowers are there to help anyone in need! 

Online Safety Parent Guide In The Spotlight: 


Attendance at Central

ClassDojo in Key Stage Two

At Central Primary School, we take attendance and punctuality very seriously. We aim to have an attendance figure in excess of 96% . Our current attendance percentage is 91.4%. 

This percentage is much lower than I would expect three weeks in. Please ensure you are at school every day.

Please remember arriving on time for school is important because late arrivals will miss and also disrupt the learning already happening in class. 

If you have concerns about or need support with your child's attendance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs Guthrie 

At Central Primary School, we recognise pro-social behaviours in Key Stage 2 by giving children ClassDojo points. Every half term, the classes decide on a collective target to earn a class reward. In addition, at the end of the half term, we hold a ClassDojo raffle, where the children can win some exciting prizes! 

1st place - Oak 

2nd place - Beech

3rd place - Mulberry 

Dates for the diary

Online Safety

Please follow the link to the Online Safety newsletter for parents and carers containing guidance and advice on Keeping your children safe online.

National Online Safety produce helpful guides for parents and guardian. More information can be found here.