CPS Newsletter | Autumn | Issue Four

Update from Headteacher

Dear Parents/Carers,

It has been great to see so many parents/carers at the Welcome Meetings over the last few weeks and at the parent coffee morning last Friday.  We were blown away by the uptake and look forward to seeing you at the next coffee morning on 20th October.   We are very much wanting to build our work with our school and parent community and are hoping also to grow our Parent Staff Association (PSA).  Over the summer, builders and decorators were busy creating a hub out of one of the outdoor classrooms.  This will be used by the Inclusion team mainly.  It has two small working rooms for groups or professionals that come in from out of school e.g. drama therapists.  The main room will be used as a sensory space for our children.  Mrs Oguz and Mrs Pop have been working hard with parent and children volunteers to create and maintain our outdoor sensory garden which is now looking fabulous.  Thank you very much to them both and to our volunteers.   

In addition to this,  we are hoping to convert the other outdoor classroom into an amazing school library and quiet study space for the children as we currently do not have a library.   Just this week Mrs Bond has met with a designer and it was wonderful to hear about their creative ideas.  We are planning on working closely with our PSA to plan events and raise money for both the library and sensory area.  If anyone would like to offer our support, please let the school office know and we will get you in touch with the PSA. In the meanwhile, please watch this space for events.

I hope you have an enjoyable weekend. 

Kind regards,

Sabrina Wright

Stars of the week

Year 1



Year 2



Year 3


Year 4



Year 5


Year 6



European Languages Blog

Every year we observe the Europe Day of Languages, which was on Tuesday the 26th Of September, and this year was no exception. We take this opportunity to celebrate the diversity of our community. The children had an assembly to share their knowledge of languages and of the world. They were very passionate about it and demonstrated our school values of curiosity and kindness. Children taught the class a few words in their own language and each year group has a different activity so they can share their culture and language.

Reception did the register in different languages and will carry on doing it every day, year 1 coloured, made their own flags and discussed what languages they spoke at home. They were very enthusiastic to learn about each other.

Year 2 did a survey in their class and tried to find someone who spoke another language, or had been abroad, sharing their experiences and culture. Year 4 listened to some conversations in different languages and tried to guess the language. 

Year 3  made a beautiful poster by writing the word welcome in as many languages as possible. 

Year 5 did an escape room activity testing their knowledge about languages in the world. They really enjoyed it, showed great knowledge and managed to crack the code.

Year 6 played a language detective game and GeoGuessr, which is an online geographic discovery game that drops the player in a series of random locations around the globe and challenges them to find out where they are.

We are very fortunate at Central Primary School to have such a diverse and vibrant community with over 55 languages spoken by staff and pupils and we love celebrating our cultural heritage.

Maple Class Blog

It has been a very busy beginning of the school year with lots of things going on and learning in full swing. If you would like to find out more about our intense and fun learning, please read on!

Maths has been an area in which pupils have explored a range of media and manipulatives to gain a strong understanding of place value (within 10). We learnt that collections of objects can be sorted into sets based on attributes such as colour, size or shape. We moved on to representing numbers using objects, pictures and tens frames which allowed us to organise our manipulatives in a structured way. We continued our Maths learning through counting on from any number forwards and backwards, comparing numerical values using the vocabulary “less than”, “greater than” or “equal to” alongside the symbols <, > and =. We were introduced to the language of “greatest” and “smallest” and ordered numbers using media, numicons or pictures.

We have been learning about ‘Materials and their Properties’. We began by exploring different materials describing their uses. This led to a discussion about the different ways we can use materials and how they are suited to their purpose.  


We enjoyed learning about the importance of hard work and helping others through the story ‘Little Red Hen’. After reading the story, we described each character and made our own puppets with them. We are very proud of our end results! We are now able to give examples of nouns and adjectives related to the story mentioned above to enrich our writing.


We developed our understanding of technology and how it can help us. We become more familiar with the different components of a computer by developing our keyboard and mouse skills, and also considering how to use technology responsibly.


In our unit, ‘Where do I live’, we enable our pupils to develop a sense of belonging to our country, county and then a smaller environment such as our town and school. We encourage your pupils to think about both the human and the physical features in the local landscape.

Dance (Physical Education)

We explored travelling actions, movement skills and balancing. We used counts of 8 to move in time with the music and make our dance look interesting. We worked individually and with a partner to create ideas in relation to themes such as the weather or pirates.

Mrs Bond's Book of the Week

Central's #HealthySelfie

This week's book recommendation is suitable for Upper Key Stage 2 children. 

Max and the Millions
Ross Montgomery

Max is used to spending time alone - it's difficult to make friends in a big, chaotic school when you're deaf. He prefers to give his attention to the little things in life... like making detailed replica models. Then Mr Darrow, the school caretaker and fellow modeller, goes missing. All that is left from Mr Darrow is  a tiny boy - and millions of others! 

This week's Healthy Selfie comes from Miss Charalambous who ran Vitality 10km at the weekend. She is enjoying running to stay fit and healthy whilst spending time in the outdoors. Her healthy goal for this month is to eat a balanced diet to help with her training for her next race.

What are you doing to stay healthy and active? Share your #HealthySelfies to admin@central.herts.sch.uk

Online Safety Parent Guide In The Spotlight: 


Attendance at Central

ClassDojo in Key Stage Two

At Central Primary School, we take attendance and punctuality very seriously. We aim to have an attendance figure in excess of 96% . Our current attendance percentage is 91.2%.

This percentage is much lower than I would expect at this point in the term. Please ensure you are at school every day.

Please remember arriving on time for school is important because late arrivals will miss and also disrupt the learning already happening in class. 

Please find a link from the NHS website 'Is my child too ill for school?' which provides important information. NHS link 

If you have concerns about or need support with your child's attendance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs Guthrie 

At Central Primary School, we recognise pro-social behaviours in Key Stage 2 by giving children ClassDojo points. Every half term, the classes decide on a collective target to earn a class reward. In addition, at the end of the half term, we hold a ClassDojo raffle, where the children can win some exciting prizes! 

1st place - Oak 

2nd place - Chestnut

3rd place - Apple

Dates for the diary

Online Safety

Please follow the link to the Online Safety newsletter for parents and carers containing guidance and advice on Keeping your children safe online.

National Online Safety produce helpful guides for parents and guardian. More information can be found here.