CPS Newsletter | Autumn | Issue Thirteen

Stars of the week

Year 1



Year 2



Year 3



Year 4


Year 5



Year 6



Ash Class Blog

Ash Class have been very busy over the last few weeks. We have been showing all the school values through our interesting activities. 


In English we have been exploring the life of Frida Kahlo and how she became an Artist. We began with identifying parts of a biography by reading many different examples. We have started using the lovely book 'Frida Kahlo- Little People Big Dreams' as a stimulus and have deepened our understanding of her life through lots of online research.


We have been working hard on our 4 and 8 times tables this week, focusing on strategies we can use to answer a number of problems. Reasoning and problem solving questions have been a key focus to the learning.


Over the last few weeks we have been using a number of materials to help us identify how rocks can form. We used chocolate to create igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock, focussing on texture, layers and strength. We had great fun taking part in this hands on experiment to enhance our understanding. 


Next week we will be making our cupcakes. We have spent a number of weeks tasting ingredients, selecting fruits and flavours and learning about kitchen safety and hygiene. We can't wait to make them and follow our advanced designs and plans as a class.  

Online Safety Guide for Parents


Mrs Bond's Book of the Week

This week's book recommendation is suitable for EYFS children. 

How Many Legs? By Kes Gray

A humourous, counting book for children with lots of entertaining illustrations that parents can discuss with their child whilst reading this book together. A little boy invites lots of weird and wonderful creatures to his party and he has to figure out how many legs are coming! A few include a polar bear, who loves jelly; a duck, who brings a lemon cake; a hippo, dressed in a tutu and a squid who rides on a buffoalo! How m any more animals and legs can you find? 

Attendance at Central

ClassDojo in Key Stage Two

At Central Primary School, we take attendance and punctuality very seriously. We aim to have an attendance figure in excess of 96% . Our current attendance percentage is 87.4%. 

Well done to Oak Class with 99.6%! This is a fantastic result! 

Please remember arriving on time for school is important because late arrivals will miss and also disrupt the learning already happening in class. 

If you have concerns about or need support with your child's attendance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs Guthrie 

Please use this link as guidance from the NHS regarding sickness and attendance. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery (please click the top link when redirected)

At Central Primary School, we recognise pro-social behaviours in Key Stage 2 by giving children ClassDojo points. Every half term, the classes decide on a collective target to earn a class reward. In addition, at the end of the half term, we hold a ClassDojo raffle, where the children can win some exciting prizes! 

1st place  - Oak Class

2nd place - Chestnut Class

3rd place - Beech Class

Dates for the diary

Online Safety

Please follow the link to the Online Safety newsletter for parents and carers containing guidance and advice on Keeping your children safe online.

National Online Safety produce helpful guides for parents and guardian. More information can be found here.