CPS Newsletter | Autumn 1 | Week 5

European Languages Day Blog

Dear parents and carers,

Last week, we celebrated the European Day of Languages. We took this opportunity to celebrate the diversity of our community. The children had an assembly to share their knowledge of languages and of the world. They were passionate about it and demonstrated our school values of curiosity and kindness. Each year group completed a different activity.

Did you know that animals make different sounds according to the country? This is due to the different phonics in each country. EYFS explored the phonics of various countries and compared their sounds.

Year 1 learnt how to say hello in many different languages. They also learnt a bit of Spanish and designed their own flags.

Year 2 did a survey in their class and found out who spoke another language or had been abroad, sharing their experiences and culture.

Year 3 did a poster representing the translating of the expression ‘a piece of cake’ in various languages.

Year 4 heard people speaking in different languages and had to guess the language.

Year 5 looked at random pictures from around the world and had to guess which country it was by looking at the signs or background. 

Year 6 did a quiz on languages to test their knowledge.

The children and adults enjoyed the activities and discovered more about each other’s culture and language.

Stars of the week

Year R



Year 1



Year 2


Year 3



Year 4



Year 5



Year 6



Healthy Selfie and Skip2BFit

Miss Martin

"My healthy goal is to give blood 5o times by the end of next year."

Skipping Best Efforts

Mulberry - Livia for fantastic skipping and persistence.

Maple  - Yaw for super effort in his skipping this week. 

Pine - Musab for his great effort and persistence this week. 

Writers of the Week - LKS2

This week's writers of the week are Hazel (Apple) and  Mangang (Ash),  David (Beam) and Rejoice (Beech).

In Year 3, we have using 'The green ship' as our inspiration for writing our adventure stories. We have been focusing on expanded noun phrases and conjunctions.

In Year 4, we have been reading, 'Leon and the Place Between.' We have used this to inspire us to write descriptive paragraphs with a range of expanded noun phrases as well as dialogue. 

Online Safety Update

Attendance at Central

ClassDojo in Key Stage Two

At Central Primary School, we take attendance and punctuality very seriously. We aim to have an attendance figure in excess of 96% . Our current attendance percentage is 94.94%.

Each week, we are getting closer to our target.

Please remember arriving on time for school is important because late arrivals will miss and also disrupt the learning already happening in class. 

If you have concerns about or need support with your child's attendance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mr Freeman

At Central Primary School, we recognise pro-social behaviours in Key Stage 2 by giving children ClassDojo points. Every half term, the classes decide on a collective target to earn a class reward. In addition, at the end of the half term, we hold a ClassDojo raffle, where the children can win some exciting prizes! How is your child(ren)'s class doing?

1st Place: Walnut - 1466

2nd Place: Pear - 1458

3rd Place: Beech - 1435

Dates for the diary